Sunday, September 8, 2013

Beau Pain!

Pepper Place Market

This puts a Parisian boulangerie to shame!  


Lynette said...

A truly delicious-looking photo, Virginia. Thanks for sharing it with us!

s.c said...

Very tasty shot Virginia. You feel them in your mouth already. Thanks for showing.

TheChieftess said...

Yummmm!!! One of those loaves, a little pate...maybe some good cheese and deli meat...a glass of wine...

Daryl said...

oh boy .. reminds me of the baguettes Genie bought, we ate one between us slathering the hunks we broke off with that amazing sea salt butter ...

William Kendall said...

And now I'm hungry!

Bob Crowe said...

But what became of the bottles? They must be around somewhere. A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou . . .

MadAboutParis said...

How many more weeks for Pepper Place...hmmmm???