Monday, September 17, 2018

New Friendships, New Understandings

Today wrapped up the weekend long retreat of Kids In Birmingham 1963.  This group, with contributors from across the country gathered here to meet each other and share their experiences. I was privileged to join the group for church yesterday at the 16th Street Baptist Church and again today at Parker High School. We were delighted to be joined by an impressive group of the school's leaders. This activity of joining hands and showing appreciation for each other was especially meaningful for me.

For those of you who grew up in Birmingham in 1963, I encourage you to share your story on the website. If you are a teacher in the Birmingham area and would like some of us to come and speak with your class, please contact Ann Jimerson via the website.

Many thanks to Ann Jimerson and her committee for planning a most memorable weekend.


William Kendall said...

A wonderful shot, Virginia.

Ken Mac said...

Glad you're still hittin it!