For reasons that I explained in yesterday's post , I was unable to get a shot of our harvest moon on Thursday evening. Not to worry, I've called in LaTrelle Grayson, one of my former students, and one heck of a good photographer. Trelle was with us at Oak Hill Cemetery for the shoot and came well equipped with multiple batteries ( he did listened in class), two tripods, and wine. A+ for you my friend.
Today he's my guest photographer. Nice shot Trelle and thanks for offering me the use of your camera that night and for sharing with my readers.
As an added treat, Leon Redbone, a fav of mine has a song for you right here.
I am so sorry about your bad luck on Thursday. Please encourage your students to post their pictures to the Oak Hill Fan page. This shot by LaTrelle is incredible!
A beautiful moon and a great capture by your student.
Congratulations to both of you.
Yes, it brought me in from the City Daily Photo thumbprints! Breathtaking.
Beautiful. I'm impressed he brought two tripods!
I was impressed he brought two wines! :)
It was great fun. I can't wait till the next event. I'll have to put it up here on the blog as well as FB!
THanks , I'll make sure he sees these nice comments.
Glad you came by!
Nicely done, Trelle. I have never in my life been able to get any shot of the moon that I was happy with.
Very nice...I didn't get the Harvest Moon, either, but that was simply due to the fact I was too damn lazy to get out a tripod and set up the camera. And it didn't really look much different than our regular moons. So why do I feel guilty? ;-)
Geez, looks remarkably similar to the one over St. Louis. The wine was more important than the lenses.
What K said. Nice job, LaTrelle. It's not easy to get a good shot of the moon.
We had cloud cover .. I was/am SO disappointed ..
Now we see what's REALLY important V - YES - two wines! Helps every shoot. Whether it was the wine or the tripod or the instruction of that great photo teacher - the results were wonderful. Great job Trelle!
Photos of the moon, wine, AND Leon Redbone !!! All in one post !!! I think I'm in love with you.
Hey Virginia, looks like you've got a date !
Great moon shot. I'm impressed. Sorry about the recharge-battery hiccup. We all keep learning, don't we?
-K- and Petrea...I think you might have missed the part about the two bottles of wine...must be the key to a great photo of La Lune...
Excellent shot Trelle...and V...I loved the Leon Redbone!!!
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