Do the Red Hat ladies do lunch here? They should ! Looking for all the world like a group of bright red sun hats, these umbrellas shelter patrons at V. Richards Market on Clairmont Avenue in Birmingham's Forest Park neighborhood from the hot summer sun. Lately it's been a little steamy, but every time I pass by, folks seem to be enjoying eating outdoors, regardless of the temperature.
I do learn a lot from you! You're very good in composition! Thanks.
Thisis a delightful shot Virginia,
I'm feeling a lot better now so expect more visit for ol' Womtig this week ;o)
Sky Watch is having its own blog fron this week.. there's a logo and link there from my place and a test post to comment on if or when you have the time.
Lovely photo, Virginia. I could almost be persuaded to eat outside. Almost.
Good idea! Maybe you should organize a luncheon there and take the photos -- red hats and all.
Lovely red umbrellas!
Why does this picture immediately make me think of Travelers Insurance? Must be my job.
ha! I had to find your site via Nice Daily Photo. Perhaps I should do a Chattanooga one; I think our Daily Photo has disappeared.
Ohes the Red hat Society. you capteured a perfect spot that should become their headquarters. Even the table is adorned with a red hat.
Such an intense red color. Excellent composition & looks like a very enjoyable spot.
belle lumière et couleur sur ces "chapeaux" rouges.
beautiful light and color on these "hats" red.
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