Down the Path
If you've seen some of my recent posts you now that we have had some irratic weather lately. It occurred to me that many of you might not know what our "normal" winter weather is like here. I will be doing a short series during the next week that I hope will give you a taste of winter here in the Deep South. You might be surprised. All photos featured have been taken during the last week in December. Today, a stroll through the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.
( Note: Only a few bushes were in bloom. Most are full of buds waiting to bust open soon. Oh yes, I will be back to capture those as well. The state flower of Alabama never disappoints.)
Fine Weather to Learn to Ride a Bike
Please visit my new blog
The Tune du Jour is "The Enchanted Garden" by Kevin Kern
une invitation à la promenade, j'aime beaucoup la dernière photo.
Bonne et heureuse année 2009.
an invitation to promenade, I like the last photograph very much. Good and happy year of 2009.
That garden path is drop-dead gorgeous, V. As a died-in-the-wool gardener, I am waiting for the Camellia show with bated breath.
There is a "however" though ... don't harumph me, please. Your large image is still just a bit too large. See how the white RHS border is not showing? Whereas it is with the camellia immediately below, yet they appear to be the same width. It is either the width you have set in the html for the "pathway" or it may be the margins set automatically around the outside of any image which Blogger usually sets to 10px; meaning 10 on the LHS and also 10 on the RHS. This can often throw the size of the image over the maximum. For my images I re-set the Blogger settings so that my margin is 2px. In your html view look for
margin: 10px auto 10px 10px;
In my experience all this can be replaced by
margin: 2px;
Off course, the problem could be a combination of the width: 400px; as well as the margin. I do not know which template you are using to advise you further.
Here endeth the lesson ... sorry.
The camellia gives certainly the mood.
A safe year to you Virginia.
V., wishing you a wonderful New Year of photography, travel and enjoyment with family & friends.
You've given me so much enjoyment with your posts in 2008.
This road brings us by 2009
I wish you and yours a very Happy New Year
I've now found there are many things in Alabama that never disappoint. Happy New Year, Virg. Y'all.
Lovely photos, Virginia. The path reminds me of places I'd walk as a child. We have not been having erratic weather; it's been just plain cold for over 10 days. I don't mind; it's supposed to be like this!
Lovely path and beautiful camellia! I have several of them in my garden, a red one blooming just now, another red one for later and a white one (my favourite) for the spring.
I wish you a beautiful new year with another trip in Paris in June!
Past Sunday I've gone to the Biblioteca Reale of Torino in order to inquire if the Leonardo's draws, that you had cited to me, were re-entries. Unfortunately the library was closed. Are still the Leonardo's in Birmingham?
Have a nice and prosperous new year Virginia.
Thanks for all your visiting and comment on my blog this year. Apologize me if I'm not writing on your blog. Really I'm a lazy person and the English language is not my preferred one.
So Happy new year again.
Lovely colours on the path and amazing camelia!
Wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family!
One is never too young to learn to ride a bike! Lovely shot.
I hope you don't mind me taking the easy route by copying and pasting this comment, it is by far the easiest method of getting my message to so many CDP photobloggers.
I am not sure that I can sustain South Shields Daily Photo much longer, it is so difficult to keep finding new material on a daily basis,
and after more than two years inspiration and motivation are becoming harder to find, so I may become less daily from time to time.
I hope you can find new hope and inspiration, and that a new start in 2009 brings everything that you desire.
The CDP photoblogging community has grown massively over the past year and I'd like to thank those who have visited South Shields Daily Photo, especially those who have been kind enough to leave a comment or two.
Best wishes for 2008
South Shields Daily Photo
Stunning shots as always - the camellia looks like something from a Dutch still life!
Responded to your email yesterday, but haven't heard back...big plans tonight mon amie?
Oh geeezzzz! I think I'll go back to the regular size and be done with it. In the big scheme of things I guess size doesn't matter or maybe it does..........HA
Livio, I'll email you regarding Leonardo's whereabouts. He's still vacationing in the US.
A good image does not need to be enlarged. Maybe God is trying to tell you something after all, to leave alone. Obviously I am drawn to the bike, black and white, and natural image, but then I would be wouldn't I.
I'm off to celebrate New Year Eve's to Day. Xenodochial greeting to you and for the forthcoming New Year.It's
...*grin*... I thought you might react like that! I muck around because I enjoy playing with html. However, I do agree with B. that the images don't need to be resized from the 3 varieties that Blogger provides. As a viewer, we can always enlarge them ourselves - which I do for the ones I find of most interest. Have a good evening, V and peace and love to you.
For the record, I'd be happiest if it were one small size that couldn't be enlarged, then I could put up all kinds of images that you all might not know are just a titch blurry! And all that HTML stuff? It's just a 4 letter word to me! HA
Thanks for leading me down the garden path Virginia! Pure delight to see your winter photos. So much fun to have met you on the blogs this year, and I wish you a wonderful new year filled with family and photos and, it goes without saying but I will anyway, Paris!
Great photos of our erratic weather, Virginia!
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