Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time. Last weekend I was taking photographs at the Cathedral Church of the Advent when I noticed the doors open. As luck would have it, a wedding was concluding and the wedding party walked right passed me. These two flower girls were just adorable and I couldn't resist sneaking a photo!
A miracle.
This one you ought to print for your b&w vertical series, you want to look at it every day. It's an absolute joy.
What a wonderful surprise. Must have been a thrill to get this shot.
Just one like this and you can go home, your day is good.
This is just gorgeous. I'd not have thought to print this in b and w but it really works.
Lovely photo! David Hamilton's work has just crossed my mind.
This is such a great shot!! I do love the B&W!
These are my kind of wedding photos- caught of guard and natural. Monochrome is so right too and this could also take sepia. Girls with curls Victoriana stlylie. I really do enjoy your human shots.
I like this photograph a lot. I also like it in black and white.
Another great F stop!
A beautiful photo, Virginia!! It shows the perfect atmosphere! You are an excellent photographer! You know that.
Carpe photo. Always pays to be ready. I like the combination of softness and motion.
Oh, to be a little girl in a pretty dress. I went out today and thought of this photo. I didn't get any flower girls but wish I did.
Bob ,
Capre photo. Oh how I love that one my friend. I wished i had it on AUTO! Damn, i was grappling with my settings! If I had been more ready I would have the bride and groom to show. Sometimes auto is what makes the day.
Blognote, I bow to you.
The lighting is perfect on this one - and makes one think not about the photo but of the joyous event and the pretty girls - that's what photography is all about, n'est pas?
Love the choice of black and white. A very nice photo!
How adorable those dresses are... nice to be in the right place and just the right moment.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Time like this ,make you so happy to see life through a lens...and bring a piece of happiness Home with you!
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