Wednesday, July 29, 2009

View From the Lyric

When Tom and I were prowling around upstairs at the Lyric Theatre several months ago, we found this room and I rather liked the view of the tiled roof across the street paired with the old glass paned door.


Tash said...

I'll be back to catch up on your recent posts here and some of the later Paris posts.

TheChieftess said...

Very nice...captures a pensive mood...

Janet said...

Now you just need to write some lyrics to go with the picture! Beautiful.

B SQUARED said...

Wonderful work. The image speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I like this so much! At first I thought that it was a photo taken in Europe somewhere, but NEAT, it is the Lyric Theater! I hope that they can restore it soon!

King of New York Hacks said...

Ahh Viva La Lyric !! I hope you danced in front of that window V !! Looks like France is loving you !


Fio said...

Mysterious place, perfectly framed view.

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is a little on the spooky side. I am convinced Lady MacBeth is lurking here.

Char said...

I've always wanted to go inside - great shots

Virginia said...

Oh I'm loving France don't know if it's the other way around or not!

My B'ham readers, I'd love for you to see it as well. It's not in good shape but at least it's being looked after.

Lowell said...

That should definitely be an illustration for a mystery story, or it could be for a love story where the girl pines through the misty panes for her lover who is ensconced with a busty siren in those rooms under the red-tiled roof...


Well, I tried.

Cloudia said...


A visual poem. Bravo!

Comfort Spiral

Janet Kincaid said...


Surat City said...

Beautiful place, I more like it!

Mumbai City said...

Wow fantastic blog its nice place!

Inseo Services said...

I liked blog, Keep it up!

Kolkata Web Design said...

Gr8 Work yaar, Lucking much more like dis from u in the future...
Thank Yu Dude!

Web Design Company said...

You place is very good and interesting for me!