Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Pickin' and a Fiddlin'

My friend Snapper at Gabriola BC Daily Photo inspires me in a lot of ways. Lately his "Musicians' Hands Series" has knocked my flip flops off. I captured this guitarist and fiddler at the Magic City Art Connection. I apologize for not getting the name of the group. Snap suggested I try them in BW and of course he was spot on!


steviewren said...

Printing in black and white really captures the shapes and shadows of the subjects. I took some photos of my son playing his guitar a few years ago and converted some of them to b & w as well.

Char said...

I agree with Stevie about the shapes and shadows - beautiful work

TheChieftess said...

Love the guitar in B&W...ditto to Stevie and Char!!! Nicely done....

Lowell said...

Oh, boy, I like these V. Excellent!

Virginia said...


Thérèse said...

The combination of guitar and violin is always fun!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Top shot reminds me of the ones I did at the Blues Festival and still yet to sort out. My Irish friend will tell you that is a fiddle, and only a violin for classical music. Folks fiddle here then. Say no more.