I'm not going to rant about how I feel about decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving, but ...... everywhere you look, Christmas decorations are going up. I'll bet after a very long day wrapping lights around every tree in Mountain Brook, this guy's going to leave the tree lighting at home up to his wife!
et oui deja noel ;)) ca va vite, je dirais meme trop vite
Couldn't get a better decoration!
Nordstrom's in Scottsdale advertises that they will not put up Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving because they believe in celebrating only one holiday at a time.
I hope that the worker in your photo has received training and is tied off with lanyards and a harness. Working in bucket trucks is a common cause of injuries and OSHA citations.
such a great title for this post. this moonlighter might actually take a great deal of pride in his ability to illuminate the holiday and relish lighting the tree at home.
NYC is a little slow on the uptake tho I bet if I walked up Sixth Avenue I'd see decorations on the street lamps .. Philly, specifically South Philly, was decorated with wreaths and holiday lights .. any second I bet they'll be putting St Pat's decorations up ..
I agree with you. It is always way too early.
I know, really. Busman's holiday if he has to decorate his own house. I don't mind Christmas stuff going up early, but I do mind when it's still around in February.
A nice tribute to each one of the Christmas decorators...
I'll bet you're right. Tho the moon hangs in the sky and the Xmas lights are going up - even before Thanksgiving and more importantly, Advent - Christmas doesn't happen until Dec. 25 and then lasts only 12 days.
I fought these battles for years. Don't care anymore. It's all just plain silly! :-)
I hear sleigh bells!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Well, then, what should your PUNishment be?
Early decorations, in the hope of more bright days to come sooner.
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