I visited the
Birmingham Children's Theater back in December, and as I climbed the steps of the
Civic Center, I spotted this vignette. I have been toying with this photo ever since. Today I sent it to my friend
Bob Crowe and gave him the usual directive: " Any good? Let me have it." It got a thumbs up - after I recropped, so here it is. I am so fortunate to have Bob and many other daily photo photographers that are so willing to share their expertise with me on a daily basis. Merci Professor Crowe, you continue to challenge me as well as advise. I need every bit of it.
The Tune du Jour is " Sundial Dreams " by Kevin Kern
ombre chinoise, superbe et beau choix avec le mode sépia
silhouette, beautiful and nice choice with the sepia mode
Nice! Tres Zen, and I love it.
It is so light... I love the tiny details of the branches
I wish you a zen weekend!
A zen weekend to you, as Peter says, and some yoga maybe?
Very pretty and nice to look at. Keep up the good photography.
definitely a game of shadows. The tree/plant is so very delicately oriental. I notice you've changed your banner..are you looking forward to warm weather? It's rained so much here I'm starting work on the Ark.
Yes it's very zen, isn't it? Just lovely.
Anyone practicing tai chi around the Civic Center?
Which part for cropped? This is a good example actually of positioning. Usually dead central is not a good idea, but becuse of the door on the right adding more weight to that side of the image it really works. Does that make sense or it that too photo bore stuff. Actually are you sticking two branches up at me?
I love this, V.
The cropping involved the lower part of the tree. BC and I both liked more of the V showing. I was boxed in here and didn't have much room to move around. Dead center bothered me but if you're oK with it , it works for me!HA
You know that banner can be here today and gone tomorrow! In fact some poor viewers around 10:00 probably didn't know what was going on. I changed it twice!HA Actually the cold weather moved out and it has been wonderful today. I walked in just a thin sweat jacket. YES!!!!
V for Virginia!
Hmmm, deja vu all over again. I deserve no credit other that I think it's gorgeous and I encourages you to use it. It looks like an old sepia photo of the backdrop at a kabuki play.
Take the credit my friend. When you speak I LISTEN! Merci.
That's lovely. And Bob's stuff is always good. I should visit him more often. Hi, Bob! I also like his written copy, his personality comes through his words.
This is so beautiful, V.! When I am a little stressed now I know where to look at... :-)
Like I said, dead centre works because of the dark door/doorway on the right, otherwise no. Got my bearing now with the cropping. Being nosey.
I can't open today's image Try later. Blogger bing snippy.
The towers seem shy, making a gesture with a veil over their faces. Is is possible to go up into the towers and take pictures from up top?
No tower climbing pour moi!
No tower climbing pour moi!
I do like a good arboreal shot now and zen...
I can't count the number of times I've resurrected a photo by cropping. With digital cameras, it's hard not to find something good in a photo. A beautiful collaborative effort.
Lovely "ombre Chinoise"!
Beautiful. Congrats to you (and Bob)!
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