Friday, December 30, 2011

Reverend Mickey...

preaching to the faithful at the Church of Disney?  No, just a fanciful arrangement I found upstairs at What's On Second? in downtown Birmingham.  You just never know what you'll find, that's why I go so often!


Olivier said...

je trouve que cela serait une bonne idee pour amener les enfants aux messes ;o)
I wish you a happy new year 2012

brattcat said...

mickey might come up with some interesting sermons.

Eeyore said...

Love your banner photo of the trees in fog. Wonderful.

Luis Gomez said...

Mickey is always fun!

Anonymous said...

I can't top that title.

Laurie Allee said...

Love it. That's a church I'd go to!

TheChieftess said...

I love shops like the one you described!!! And church with Mickey...Divine!!!

Bob Crowe said...

My immediate reaction was that if I ever woke up in the morning and saw this I'd swear off gin and tonics forever. It brings back memories of dragging our children through Disneyland/Disneyworld/Disneyhell or whatever and having these life-sized Mickeys pop out of nowhere and squeak HI KIDS! at us. Sheesh.