and the picture stayed. Apparently there was a time when this was a problem and could ruin a good dinner party in a heartbeat . At the risk of showing my age (like that's been a big secret), I do remember holding the "rabbit ears" just a certain way so the picture would come back, and my parents' endless talk about the dreaded picture tube going out! Thankfully the T.V. pictured here didn't ruin the evening for Joan Crawford and her friends! This vintage sign, preserved on the side of the Midtown Center on Birmingham's southside reminds me of the ones our friend Ken Mac has shown us on his fabulous Greenwich Village Daily Photo Blog. KM, this one's for you.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Hours Passed........
and the picture stayed. Apparently there was a time when this was a problem and could ruin a good dinner party in a heartbeat . At the risk of showing my age (like that's been a big secret), I do remember holding the "rabbit ears" just a certain way so the picture would come back, and my parents' endless talk about the dreaded picture tube going out! Thankfully the T.V. pictured here didn't ruin the evening for Joan Crawford and her friends! This vintage sign, preserved on the side of the Midtown Center on Birmingham's southside reminds me of the ones our friend Ken Mac has shown us on his fabulous Greenwich Village Daily Photo Blog. KM, this one's for you.
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I love old advertising on the walls. I think they should be renovated
Nice painting on the bricks. Very creative. :-)
You don't have rabbit ears? Next, you will be telling me you don't have a Philco.
Hey Virginia, I remember rabbit ears too! Thanks for the nice mention on yer ever popular blog -- you deserve it. What a cool sign.
Watching TV in tuxedos and evening gowns, and the picture completely sealed. Sheesh. For another take on the same theme, see Carraol's wonderful post from Mexico City today.
To answer your question: we leave on Thurs. 9/3. First night in the air, second night at a Delhi airport hotel, then over to Kathmandu. Three nights there, then fly to the airport nearest Lhasa (it's some distance away - maybe it's hard to find a big enough flat place in Tibet). Three nights in Lhasa, then wandering around in big Toyota Land Cruisers. We'll get to Everest base camp on the Chinese side (they built a road so they could carry the Olympic torch to the foot of the mountain). Back to Kathmandu for two nights then a long, long way home, including a non-stop flight from Delhi to Chicago of 15 hours.
I'll probably have Internet access in Kathmandu and certainly at the Delhi airport. I don't expect to in Tibet - you can't run most laptops at such high altitude (long technical explanation).
We all remember rabbit ears. (My parents had the same tv set for twenty years.)
Joan Crawford (is it Dorothy Malone?) looks like she's hopped up on something illegal. Or maybe the program is just that good.
What?? Joan hopped up on something illegal? I thought it might be the Manhattan's she must have been sipping or maybe a Cosmopolitan perhaps? You crack me up!
I'm already tired and have jet lag just listening to your itinerary. Get me a shot of the prayer flags will ya? I bought some amazing photographs in the Marais from a wonderful young photographer that had been to Tibet and India. So we'll have to wait
till you get to an airport for photos? Geesssshhh! :(
I thought you'd like it.
B2, PHILCO! I'd forgotten all about those. Yep I remember. I think you and I are of the same vintage.
M ust visit Birmingham daily
U p on the brick wall lies art
R adio beats TV any day
A ge is just a number
L ook what Virginia found!
Snap, I love it! I think we've started something. I might even opine with a haiku on your blog one day if I can get up my nerve!
Fascinating. This is a great sign...I don't remember seeing anything like it. The first TVs I saw were about 10x10 inches in a great big box...all grainy...
Very unusual! I love vintage signs on buildings, but I've never seen one anything like this!
Forget Philco...we always had a Zenith!!!
What a wonderful sign. Glad its been preserved.
Rabbit ears, we still have a TV set at the cabin with rabbit ears that pick up two stations. now with the converter, we get 12.
Rabbit ears. Nope new one on me, but I do recall "rabbit ears" on portable tvs. So good to see this piece look so fine.
I remember rabbit ears!
I LOVE this sign. So glad it was restored beautifully.
I love that they're preserving this. Sadly, I don't think this could happen in Los Angeles - too many spray painters.
Wonderful to have that restored. It's a real classic.
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