Those of us lucky enough to live in Alabama during the winter months ( we are not going into summer weather!) are spoiled
rotten. We can't relate to snow shovels, snow blowers, snow tires or any other nonsense pertaining to gobs and gobs of snow for 4-5 months of the year. Oh every so often we have temps that dip into the 20's but by the next week, you could be taking your walk in just a sweatshirt. Last night rumor had it we would have the dreaded "WINTER ADVISORY". Ohhhhh, will the schools close? Will we be stranded with no bread or milk??? What ever will we do? This morning I actually ran to the window and threw up the sash praying for some snow to help ease my photographic deficit. Ahhhh, false alarm, nada! I saw some frost on a few leaves but that pretty much wrapped it up. So for those of you in the hinterlands blowing, shoveling, slipping , sliding and busting....well you know, my prayers are with you . I lived through an Iowa and a Wisconsin winter. As we say down here, "Bless your hearts."
The Tune du Jour is "Sleigh Ride" by Amy Grant
Some of you out there may get a sleigh ride before it's all over!
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