My dear friend Phoebe brought me this card from a recent trip to Chicago. It's pinned to the bulletin board above my computer. I laughed when I got it because it's probably true, although I'm not so sure I'm all that interesting in real life either! One thing I do know, my life is more interesting BECAUSE of my blog! As we all do when a new year unfolds , I looked back to the beginning of my blog in
June, 2008, and how clueless I really was. I thought posting a photo a day would be a piece of cake. A year and a half later, I can tell you for certain that a lot of the time it is a piece of cake, but some days it's like "pulling teeth" as my Momma use to say. That said, blogging has become one of the most rewarding challenges I've ever tackled. Oh my, the wonderful friends I' ve made flung far and wide across the globe. Some I've had the great pleasure of
meeting in person. You have all broadened my horizons a thousand fold. From my little office, I take a marvelous trip around the world each and every day. Not only that, so many of you stop by and pay me a visit ( and I don't even have to get out of my PJ's if I don't want to!). Our fearless leader Eric is celebrating the 5th anniversary of his
Paris Daily Photo soon. He's the one that got me hooked, and I was lucky enough to tell him
in person last July, what a great ride it's been for me! Eric, you really started something!
And Happy Birthday wishes to our friend Petrea, who's Pasadena Daily Photo is celebrating it's 2nd Birthday!!