This has been a big week for our family! My two youngest grandchildren both celebrated their 4th birthdays (a day apart) this week. This is our Laura Kate at her party on Wednesday. She helped her Mom make those cupcakes. I just had to include her friend Belle who was all about the chocolate icing. Davis will host a Pirate Party today. You will be treated to a photo one day soon. A crowd of rowdy little swashbucklers should make for some interesting pictures!
Today, I am celebrating my
100th post on City Daily Photo. My mother always said,"Ignorance is bliss." You can say that again. When I naively created this blog I thought it would be just a photo and a caption each day. Whew! Why did I ever think I could say ANYTHING in one sentence??? Well, 100 posts later I can tell you that it's way more work than I imagined, but I've never had so much fun. Stressful having to amass a warehouse full of photos - Yes! The pay-off? Meeting some incredibly nice folks right here in Birmingham and getting to know all of you from near and far flung cities around the
world! What an interesting, talented, caring group of photographers you are. A special thanks to
Janet (Rambling Round) in Selma for your patience helping me to get up and running. You answered at least a million questions and showed me the ropes.
Tom Wigley, you were a wonderful mentor as well. I would never have been able to participate in Skywatch if you hadn't taken me under your wing.
Strangetastes (St.Louis, MO DP) you continue to give me much needed feedback on my photographs. Thank you for your expert advice and your friendship. And before the orchestra starts playing to get me off the stage, let me thank every one of you who stop by and read my blog, and those who leave comments - your encouragement, suggestions, and often hilarious comments make my day and raise the bar for me. Merci beaucoup mes amis.
For such a special occasion, I have chosen 3 Tunes du Jour. Take your pick!