Today a blog break. There's a new little someone in my house today. Yesterday I rescued a sweet black kitten that I've named Meeps. (Thanks to my dear Shell Sherree for the name). This little kitty was rescued from behind a Winn Dixie and now she's landed in a really good place (thanks to daughter Melissa who saw her on Facebook). I've never been a "cat person"......I guess now I am!
Well, congratulations! Enjoy your new baby. A lucky kitten indeed to land in the place just right.
From street cat to blog girl! I'm not a cat person either, but have known several cats I could live with!
Awww, sweet! Love her!
You are both lucky!:)
Enjoy life together!!
(She looks like she is already used to you and your camera.)
You are about to discover the joy of life with a cat. Congratulations. May you two have many wonderful adventures and glorious cuddles for years and years to come.
I've got two... begin to enjoy good luck with Meeps!
Meeps looks sweet. She's one lucky feline! Have fun with the 'getting to know you' stage. And, it goes without saying to snap plenty 'o pics.
J'aime beaucoup les chats! J'ai un chat qui s'appelle Pussy! Je suis sûre que vous allez bien vous en occuper !
Est-ce un chat ou une chatte?
Welcome to my world... lots of advice to share ... most important find a good vet! And feed her healthy food not Fancy Feast junk .. and now I will shut up.. oh except to say do not get the clumping litter, the stuff that makes it clump? Its gets on their fur, they lick it/groom and it makes them sick. Buy Worlds Best Litter its biodegradable .. and now I will shut up.. I am tickled you adopted her .. hushing now
What a lucky little lady :-)
She might have not been much of a people person before... She will be now.
100 cat photos?
She is just gorgeous. Love the shot with the light on her head. Am sure this little one is going to bring you so much pleasure and love, Virginia. Look forward to photos as she grows up. Love the name!
Menton Daily Photo
Monte Carlo Daily Photo
Oh Virginia - I LOVE Meeps! We found our first kitty - L.C. - who loved Miss Kittykins - and he grew to be the most handsome black cat ever. He went to Heaven the end of March and took a part of our hearts with him. I/we are so happy for both of you. We'd always had dogs (still do) but the love a kitty cat is something else - EXTRA SPECIAL! Can't wait to watch her grow through your eyes and lens. ENJOY!
What Daryl neglected to mention was to make sure that she doesn't have ringworm!!!
She's going to be so much fun...I hope that you find lots of outfits for her - I'd suggest an angel for Halloween - or maybe this:
I got my first cat when I was about 8...I don't think I've been without a cat since, except for college.
To add to Daryl's advice...I recently learned that kitties should not eat primarily dry food..they need the wet food...otherwise, urinary issues may develop...I only get food without grain...
i wasn't a cat person until rescuing a crying one from the curbside in a factory area. Kitty was with us for 14 more years so he was probably about 18 by then - I still miss him 10 years later. Enjoy your sweetie!
You will be so glad you decided to bring her home.
I am/was the proud adoptive mother of 10 cats. Each and every one of them a stray.
Congrats , the more the merrier ay Virginia ? ;)
Oh, Meeps, what fun you'll have! We're a two cat family and we can't imagine what life would be without them. Enjoy your new sweetie.
Congratulations, mom! Glad you've become a cat person -:)
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