Just outside Railroad Park
Downtown Birmingham |
I hesitate to get myself started on this subject but ... I am NOT a fan of what is now called "urban art" ( a nice way of saying graffiti). If you want to express yourself, buy a canvas or go spray paint your own house or your momma's house, I'm sure she'd love that. No matter how creative you are feeling, you do not have the right to deface someone else's property! Now it's your turn. How do you feel about "urban art"?
I am feeling the same way Virginia. Every one can express his own creational and artistic inspirations at his own expense.
Or, maybe his mothers' if she allows him to do it.
Have a great week.
je suis pas fan non plus de ce type d'art urbain, il existe (heureusement) de tres beaux graffitis, mais la c'est comme a Evry, du tag pour du tag
I feel that unless the "urban art" is sanctioned by the property owner, it is basically criminal vandalism. And even if it is sanctioned, I guess it only goes to encourage more, most of the criminal variety.
The commissioned murals often serve to beautify the buildings, and I welcome them. HOWEVER, I make a clear distinction between those and spontaneous tags done by graffiti "urban artists" which I classify as pure vandalism deserving jail time and community service cleaning up the messes.
"A prendre ou à laisser"
We should leave some space for the artists.
Well it all depends on where the art is ... sometimes its cleverly done and not destructive of other people's property ..
that's pretty sly...I know you don't like no graffiti!
Los Angeles has been battling this battle for a long time now...it is incredibly costly to the property owners...and then they go and "tag" freeway signs so no one can find their way anywhere...
It's big news out here when infamous taggers get arrested!!!
I don't like 'tagging' but have developed a likeness for some of the interesting stencil art that pops up. Commissioned murals are a whole other thing.
For the most part... keep it in the can!
There is no simple answer. Some of it is defacement, just junk. Some of it is inspired (look up London's Banksy). None of the painters give a damn about property rights or the reaction of the public. Actually, there's a bit of anarchism in that I find attractive.
I like Bob's comment above. I'm a big fan of Banksy's.
Your suggestion that people go and express themselves on their own walls or their momma's house made me laugh. What a great idea :-)))
I was shocked by The Chieftess's comment that "then they go and "tag" freeway signs so no one can find their way anywhere..." - now that's gross! We're a long way from art and definitely into vandalism and malicious intention.
what I would like, is that the city provides walls.. that need refreshing ...many examples of that in Brussels, will try to post some bearing you in mind
Belgium, I'm afraid if the city provided walls that would take the "thrill" out of it for most of these taggers. Sad but true.
I noted in Paris that there are companies thats sole purpose if removing graffiti. It has definitely gotten out of hand. I'll admit that I like some of the more artistic art, such as Jef Aerosol and others.
It's true Nathalie! Can't say that I like any of it even as art...What I found shocking is that I've seen LA style grafitti all over the world...the last time in Portugal...but I've also seen it Switzerland, England, Italy, and many other countries. (and as far back as as 30+ years ago-so it's not a recent import!)
I agree with you 100%. Graffiti is not "art," it is vandalism and people who do graffiti spoil property that does not belong to them and deserve no mercy no matter how "wonderful" their drawings might be...
V, thank you so much for those kind words about our Haley. You know, from personal experience, how special Golden's are...but anyone who has had a loving relationship with a dog can relate...Haley was a part of us, our home, our life. Now that part is empty. Time will help, I know. And people like you help, too! Merci beaucoup!
@Jacob...my sympathies to you and your family...we lost our Golden just a few months ago so I know how very special they are and what a big hole is left in one's life after they're gone...
Ugh. Graffiti. And in the words of Forrest Gump, 'That's all I have to say about that.'
I'm with you on the mindless tagging but I love Banksy and also some of the stencil art that Nathalie shows on Avignon. Wish we had some of that in Menton, rather than the horrible squiggles that simply deface a beautiful old building.
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