My sweet friend Rebecca is the very proud Momma of six delightful little ducklings ( 6 different breeds) and invited me over for lunch and photos. I was fascinated to learn they arrived via Fed Ex when just a few days old. Right now they are enjoying life in her backyard with their own swimming pool and watermelon on demand. George's favorite spot is snuggled up with Rebecca as you can see. When they are a few weeks older, they will make their home on Lake Logan Martin where Rebecca's folks, Steve and Sally, will keep a watchful eye!
I love the top photo! Actually I like all 3 for different reasons. I too was surprised by Fed Ex, not sure any of the carriers here in England would do any type of livestock. Not that I could keep ducklings at my place, lucky Rebecca.
Is the lake on their property or is it a public lake. I find that they are "stocking" the lake and environment quite interesting (and curious). They're all sweet lookin' little things!!
These are such darling ducklings. I'm certain you took dozens of images. How could you ever decide which to share with us? You made three excellent choices.
Oh Virg, that first shot is amazing .. talk about good animal shots!
So CUTE and hugable!!!!
Awesome little guys!
How cute is this?!
A nice family portrait!
Great duckling collection and photographs Virginia.
Your first picture is fabulous! They all are soooo cute! i think that what makes ducks so lovely and funny is that they seem to be smiling all the time!
PS: Yes, I know Jilly , we are friends, and when I took the today's picture, I was with her!:)
Beyond precious!!!
wv: gusling...Is one of these guys named Gus???
The top shot is absolutely fantastic! I will never tire of looking at the little 'wet' duck. So cute! :-)
Best ducky photo evah! Don't you love to hear them talk?
Kate, they live on Lake Logan Martin.
Hiker, they aren't quite old enough to quack yet, but were so darn cute!
THey do look like they're smiling. I'm sooo glad you and Jilly got to meet in Menton. I'm envious.
So cute!
They are just the cutest.
So cute! I think I need me a duck!
Ducklings by Fedex! A first, for me at least!
Let us know when they start quacking...
A beautiful series of photos. I adore that top one. Hope he doesn't end up someone's dinner...
Great action shots!
Cute "models"
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