Sunday, October 30, 2011

Party in the Lou

On a Shoestring Antiques
Bluff Park

My friends all know that watching/following baseball is about the last thing on earth I'd choose to do.  Well I heard a rumor that the St. Louis Cardinals were in the World Series and I understand they won it! Since my dear blog friend Bob Crowe ( St. Louis Daily Photo) is a die hard fan , I thought I'd post these well worn gloves ( mitt???)  in honor of his home team.  Now....back to Auburn football!


SRQ said...

Mmmm...can almost smell the old leather here.

Kathy said...

So glad it wasn't in the loo! Must get my mind out of the toilet here! Congrats to the Cardinals!

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Jilly said...

Lovely photo, V. Like you I know diddly-s... about baseball - or any American game come to that but good to know Bob's team won.

Bob Crowe said...

Thank you. That was very gracious. So it's done and now everything is quiet once more. There were something over a hundred thousand people downtown yesterday for the victory parade. Now the tumbleweeds are blowing down Market Street again.

I still have my boyhood baseball glove in the basement. I wonder what will become of it.