It's not every day that you can go and pay your parking ticket or have a chat with the mayor and have a quick game ( can you have a
quick game?) of chess outside at the same time! Well the
Mountain Brook City Hall in Crestline Village offers this plus this beautiful fountain as well. The chess pieces are toddler size, and I really wanted a photo of some folks actually playing a game, but had to settle this shot. If I'm ever in the right place at the right time, I'll show you the results.
* Please check out our friend Marley's Cheltenham DP blog today. Marley has joined the Table/Chair series and a fine one it is!!!! Thanks Marl.
Would love to toss a coin in that beautiful fountain's pool. And I love the chess figures. It almost looks like you were a teeny, tiny Virginia who sneaked onto a standard-size chess board to make this photo.
Love the title photo - don't the poppies have a fragile crepe paper briliance & quality.
And the lighting on the fountain is just amazing as is the cool color of the water.
un petit parc, une fontaine, des tables d'échecs....c'est beau, et si reposant....belle lumiere comme d'habitude
a small park, a fountain, chess tables .... it's beautiful, relaxing and beautiful light .... as usual
Hi Virginia, great blog you have - wonderful photographs. I notice your Paris trip is getting closer!
I can imagine these big chess pieces. But it must call for slightly different mental powers than seeing it all in front of you on a little table. I should think there's a lot of standing back involved!
Beautiful "Italian" light on your second shot... So, tu choisis quoi, les noirs ou les blancs?
You have to bring one of your precious grand daughter in a polka dot B&W dress to play hide and seek between the chess pieces and we'll have an idea of the size.
Never had fun paying my tickets!! will have to move to B.!!!!
ebony and ivory?
I love the chess eye view on that board!
Uh-0h, it would be hard to cheat with pieces this size.
I've never heard the expression 'toddler size' before, but after a little reasearch I can figure they are big! :-)
Nice fountain and chess game , i love your knew banner :)
I agree with Marie Noyale!! Please do that!!!
The second photo is enchanting... I can almost hear the water drops...
if you hadn't said about the size it could be a macro shot! Looks like fun (is chess fun?!) I like the fountain too, especially the sunlight on it.
Glad you liked my Table/Chair photo, just saw it and thought of you. Thanks for the link too, it wasn't my intention but is an added bonus! :)
Looks like you were definitely in the right place to catch the perfect light and shadow on that fountain!
Cool chess set! And beautiful fountain. Wish you'd been with us today when we visited the Georgia O'Keefe Museum here in Santa Fe. You'd have loved it!
I'm soooooo envious. I pray you took photos for me.
She's one of my idols.
Is it checkmate or stalemate at city hall? I expect to see Alice (the Wonderland Alice) wandering through here, trying to find her way out. More nice work.
How amazing! No wonder it's called The Magic City!
Yesterday, the weather was like a kiss. I spent all day working outside and these photos, I don't know when you took them, they look as sweet as yesterday was. It was obviously a good day to be in the park, for whatever reason.
If it were Bham City, I'd say STALEMATE. Here in Mt. Brook it seems everything runs smoothly!
We're having glorious weather. Soon I'll be wiping my brow as I walk. You need to get on up here and see it all.
I like these toddler sized chess pieces; tje only time a toddler will sit still. ;) That fountain is quite Parisian.
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