Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bob Marley called.....

...he wants his dog back!


biebkriebels said...

Oh my, he can't see anything. Like your quote!

brattcat said...

i hate to admit this but this pooch could be my brother. we have the same dreds, just long coils of curls hanging in our eyes.

Amy Burzese said...

Oh, my. He's a cutie, but bless him.

Melissa said...

I unique solution to the problem of shedding!

Gunn said...

Love your image and the text.
Cute dog. He probably sees things we don`t see.

The French Hutch said...

Oh he is adorable! Bet he sure gets hot in our southern climate. I love his fur………..

The French Hutch

Bob Crowe said...

I shot the groomer,
But I did not shoot the dog catcher.

Thérèse said...

I simply love the whole thing: picture and text! :-)

TheChieftess said...

I believe this is a Hungarian Puli...we had one when I was a kid...but we never let his coat go au naturel!!!

Love the Bob Marley reference...perfect!!!