Indulge me a little. Anticipation is getting the best of me and so today, we will leave Birmingham for just a bit, and have a Paris moment. Taken in 2007 through a store window in the Latin Quarter, this is one of my favorite photos from my first trip to Paris.
The Tune du Jour is " Hymne A L'Amour" by Josh Groban.
Discover Josh Groban!
Hello Virginia
This is a marvelous picture! It strongly represents the old and the new! The 'sepia' tone adds more charm to it!
Do have a wonderful time in Paris!
Very great shot Virginia !
The old with the new style..., it's so funny...
And the tube : "Ah l"amour"...
Who goes in and out of that one? The Surrealists would have had a ball with that door, and all the reflections.
Lucky you going to Paris. Next time, let me know--Belgrade is only two hours away!
The faded lady reflected in the fresh faced girl. I prefer the old gal, obviously. Nicley played subtle tones. 2 Hrs to Belgrade. Can take ne two hours to get served in shop here!
Beautiful and I suppose you are going to Paris again!
Lovely pic,the buildings of Paris lend themselves very well to black and white and sepia tones. Now I'm all nostalgic for Paris! Last time I was there I had my camera stolen. Rue Git-le-Couer is a lovely street, just a stone's throw from the seine. Oui, je suis TRES envieux lol.
Virginia, that is a great shot and I look forward to seeing more from your upcoming journey. Wow. Wish I was going with you! Perhaps you can update us daily from internet cafes?
Definately an intrigueing photo!! I love it
Love this photo! Your trip will be here soon...I hope to see some more photos from Paris then!
Now I would love to say I can do that. I will certainly try, but to be honest I don't know if I'd know an internet cafe if I saw one! HA The last visit my emails read like gobbledy gook. Apparently the French keyboard was different in more ways than I noticed. Now that would certainly give you all hours of giggles I'm sure.
Oh and for you camera hounds, this photo was taken with an older model of the Nikon Cool Pix, a good little P&S. I think it's been discontinued now.
Those were the good old days.
Magnificent shot, Virginia! Love the tone and feel of it. I do wonder about that door, though.
Funny thing about those French keyboards, the letters were all mixed up. I got along fairly well as I am a four finger plunker when it comes to typing.
So, do you have your to do list while in Paris?
LOL - and there are even 2 doors up in the air. Fascinating. The photo is beautiful, I can see it being one of your favorites.
My, you are excited about your trip! The Latin quarter is a fun place to photograph. I've a few memorable images from there, too.
Rainy day in Montreal today ... a little time to catchup with CDP blogs :)
Hi Virginia, it's wonderful to share the anticipation with you. I can see why you love this photo. And then the song you chose, OMG what are you doing to us?
French keyboards are tricky indeed. AZERTY is not QWERTY and that's only the beginning!!!
Re your comment in Avignon, I was very tempted to do close-ups of that fig as you suggested, unfortunately I had already climbed on a wall and stretched my arms to the max to achieve this photo, no way I could get any closer!!!! I'll have to look for a better tree, but we're nearing the end of the season now...
I hope the weather in November will allow you some new shots...!
Don't worry about French keyboard, it isn't so difficult nad I'm sure you will find QWERTY in many places. The real question is: will you have the time to think to your blog? ;-)
It's one of my favorites too!
I can understand why this is your favorite photo... It's just gorgeous!!!
Nathalie- Ahhh the music. My favorite too. I just wish I had an idea of what the words are! As far as your closeup, I know how that is. Regardless, your photos today were gorgeous.
ALice, I hesitate to jinx myself, but our last trip the weather couldn't have been much worse! I photograped la tour Eiffel in a very cold downpour and the sky was gray most of the time. The solution for me was...sepia/BW! Maybe you can leave a comment on my blog after we are together and fill the gang in on my adventures. No, there won't be time to relearn the French keyboard-HA
How lovely - the sepia really makes this picture!
I get the sense that you are looking forward to your Paris trip! Cool shot, you wouldn't want to open that door!
Ok if I can't actually be snuck into the suitcase, then I demand a postcard, and probably a list of images to take and purchase. Signed of course.
Oh I would dearly love to make some money off my photos for a change! Being a photographer is a thankless or should I say penniless job. I plan to post a regular B'ham photo every day when I am gone and a smaller sepia Paris photo from my last trip as well.
Bibi, I should know this but is it two hours by plane, train or automobile?
The TO DO list I sent Peter is a mile long. Suffice it to say that the list will have to be trimmed. Adrenaline only lasts so long!
Virginia, two hours by airplane; not far! But I'm working now at the school where I used to be and couldn't just pop up for the weekend, but would love to!!
I should say, this is arguably one of your best shots ... and righfully one of your faves.
It's grand, and I like the angle play you did with it.
Great, V.
Very Cool
Heavy sigh. This is a wonderful intriguing photo Virginia. Please share some of your itinerary with us!
lovely mix of old and new. a really excellent photo.
Thank you all. I am glad you enjoyed this little junket to Paris . I will share my itinerary as soon as it's more complete. I plan to post date my blog for the week while I am gone and in addition, at the bottom each day I will add a photo from my last trip to Paris. That way you will get the best of both worlds while I am gone. If I can decipher the French keyboard I may post a comment here from time to time.
Love the reflection in glass. Great shot.
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