I've been blogging here for over three years. Often I cover events over and over, hoping to find a new focus. This was my third Veteran's Day Parade, and while it's a wonderful event for my city, I wondered if I could capture anything different this year. As luck would have it, I met up with a Viet Nam veteran that I remembered from last year ( on the left). We reconnected and as we stood near each other during the parade, I was able to watch as the passing servicemen, young and old, give him a salute. The special moment I was looking for.
Nice capture - love the salute - and that sun shot yesterday was spectacular.
The emotion is most certainly in the salute.
Great portraits. Just as JFK said in his pre-Vietnam inaugural address about the torch being passed to a new generation, the torch of being the senior group of combat veterans is being passed from the World War II and Korea veterans to the Vietnam generation, to be followed by passing the torch to the first Gulf War, then Iraq-Afghanistan.
Costa Rica abolished its military in 1949 and redirected the funds to education and health care.
Such a moving photo and story. Thank you!
I have to admit that I'll never completely understand these people and events. I did not serve in the military. (They wouldn't have liked my attitude toward authority.) You must have been there to really know the meaning.
It is times like this that we appreciate these captured moments.
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