Friday, June 28, 2013

Keep on Truckin'

I love to poke around the trucks parked at the Pepper Place Market on Saturdays. Alabama farmers are the best and they bring us fresh produce every week. Gotta love 'em!


King of New York Hacks said...

Fresh & looking good V !! Nice one!!

Anonymous said...

ah yes, the freshest produce available always comes directly from the back of the pickup truck of the farmer himself!

TheChieftess said...

I keep expecting our Farmer's market to start up again and I haven't seen hyde nor hair of it this paltry as it was with maybe two vendors, the fruit was wonderful!!!

William Kendall said...

We've got a few of them in the city.

I saw another blog today that had a farmer's market starting up in the village where my parents used to live. A village with a small population, but quite a number of venders.