Contrary to popular belief, everyone in Alabama does not wear boots. However, they are the favored footwear for many a little boy ( and a few big boys. too.) The top photo shows my little guy sporting a pair of hand me down boots that he begs to wear day and night.
The Tune du Jour is, of course, "These Boots Are Made For Walking" by Nancy Sinatra.
Hello Virginia !
Goodyear Shoe Hospital ?
Surprenant !
Nice pictures...
la première photo est très rock and rool, elle me fait penser a mes premières boom (et oui, on ne rajeunit pas ;o)) ).
the first picture is very rock and Rool, it makes me think of my first boom (and yes, we do not rejuvenates o))).
These shots are superb. I love my cowboy boots -- although, I confess, I didn't get a pair until I'd already moved away from Texas. (I know, they'll make me turn in my Texas birth certificate for that infraction...)
AAAAH that top photo is phenomenal!
yes yes black and white makes everything SEEM classic (even when it's really not) but the subject matter here, too, along with the title and the overall composition of the shot makes it a real classic. i almost don't believe that u just shot it, feels like something u pulled up from the 50s. ok, now im off to join some line dance somewhere :)
one of my favourites of yours!
Cowboy boots are nice. I was in San Antonio and bought a pair and still have them here somewhere. I think they are pretty neat and protect your legs above the ankle from different things.
I do like your black and white post.
B&W most effective. I wish we had a shoe hospital here; I have several ailing pairs.
What sweet little legs! B&W was definitely the way to go with this one. Doesn't it get too hot in Alabama to wear boots?
The 1st photo is just great!
You made me smile with 2nd photo subtitle! Naughty shoe! :-)
I was amazed to see the Xmas decorations! The owners of thet shop must be out of their minds, no? Let me enjoy autumn, please! (I hate winter...) Lol!
Fabulous cowboy boot photos! What is it about kids and cowboy boots - just a perfect combo. That top photo is just amazingly composed, and the B&W really works. I do believe there's some funny business going on with the pumps and the boots in the bottom photo. However it looks like she's giving him the heel!
Cowboy boots are in vogue in our household, and most little boys love them. Cute photo.
Gary has a thing about cowboy boots. He intends to own a genuine Texas pair one day. I'm more your kinky boot person. Killer heels if you please. Love the image and the "making love" text is a hoot.
I have been mooching through your photography website. Excellent collections you got there hidden away.
B., Thanks for visiting that website. I sort of forget about it. I need to add and delete some I think.
Katie, Only 10 more days till Paree, oui?!!!
Glad you all like my boot theme today. In case you didn't notice, my grandson has on his skivvies along with his boots. Isn't that just like a man!
I like this photo! I have a b.w boot photo scheduled for tomorrow! (Not cowboy boots, though!)
Bonjour Virginia,
I just discovered your blog and enjoyed it a lot.
Great post. Bravo also for the tune of the day that fits perfectly :-)
I've never had this kind of boots. They are cool though.
Bonne journée!
I'll take the heels, thank you!
Hi Virginia,
My four-year-old daughter would like some cowgirl chip-kickers! Come to think of it, when I was her age, I wanted a pair too! That and a pair of six-shooters with plastic silver bullets. I think the boots are still do-able. ;-)
Sweet childhood fantasies. I had a pair of cowboy boots when I was 6 or 7, roaming the prairies of the wild west of Queens. The in-laws of a lawyer I know in Dallas own the biggest, fanciest boot store in town. He gave me their catalog once. Thanks, but I'd rather blow the money on lenses than lemur skin moo kickers or something like that.
I agree with everyone here, I find this photos very cool, and more cool is that your little boy loves his boots so much......he does rock and roll with them as we see...nice nice
I love boots, time to dig mine out soon...winter os coming! :O)
Aha, I don't think those two are meant together (I am talking about the last pic, on the first one it's obvious they are friends for life).
Very sharp! That first picture reminds me of my little brother. When he was about three, my mother--who is from real cowboy country: Wyoming!--gave him a pair of cowboy boots. I remember one day, he got away from Mom and went running through the neighbor in nothing but his boots and a pair of Under-roos! He's 32 now, but I don't let him live that down! :-D
What, no Boot Scootin' Boogie?
The b&w does wonders for the images - look at the textures on those boots.
I never had cowboy boots - was a Keds hi-top kind of kid. Now I'll take those pointy-toe stilettos in a heartbeat, though.
D.C. , maybe we could feature your bro in his Underoos and my D. in his!
Deezer has limited options. I tried Boot Scoot'n first. You take em where you can load em. !
i have a pair of cowboy boots i wear around DC. love this post!!
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