Well a week from today, we'll be making the grand voyage. It's seemed like so far in the future and now that it's almost here, I'm shifting into packing panic mode. Why couldn't I have a hobby that required less "equipment"??? Embroidery would be good. All you need is some thread, a needle and a piece of fabric. Art? Well just by a museum pass, queue up at the Louvre and you're covered. No, I chose photography. This trip it's 3 lenses, a TRIPOD ( I'm sick of blurry night photos and I'm sure you are too), not to mention memory cards, card reader, discs, thumb drives, extra battery and the charger, photography books to read on the plane and on and on....... I may end up with one change of clothes as a result but rest assured all 12 scarves are GOING!!!
Today I unashamedly show off my collection of la tour Eiffel. Some are Christmas ornaments that I couldn't bear to pack away, others I've bought here and in Paris. I'm certain there are more in my future. I hope I have room in my suitcase to bring them home. If not, I'll ditch that extra change of clothes!
This is hysterical, Virginia. I woke with a headache this morning and you've shifted it!
Love that you will take 12 scarves with you. Atta girl!
I laughed so hard when I read about your scarves! What more does one need, really? When I was a lifeguard I learned how to make a bathing suit and sarong from scarves! With 12, I'm sure you'll have a whole wardrobe :-).
I'm wishing you well with this latest adventure and bon chance por vu photos! When someone invents the ultra lightweight yet truly performing interchangeable lenses, we will all be in heaven. Have fun, stay safe, and can't wait to see what France reveals of itself for you this time around. May you see the most intriguing of details and spend time with the most delightful people. And, don't forget the computer so you can post us instantly ;^)
I think I may have one up on you with the la tour Eiffel. It is "crystal", sits on a base and is illuminated by changing colored LED lights. They said it was crystal, I'm thinking more like Corinthian crystal or the like.
I am sensing anxiety of your upcoming trip. Too much camera gear to lug around the City of Light. You need three hands to carry the gear, snap some photos, and carry that morning baguette, afternoon almond croissant, and evening clafoutte and bottle of vin.
Here's what I can do for you. you get me a round trip flight, a room overlooking the Seine near The Louvre, a 6 Day museum Pass, a carnet of Metro tickets, all inclusive meals, and I'll be your photography sherpa.
Virginia - Now there's an offer you can't turn down! Twelve scarves - you're all set! Can't wait to see this trips pics.
You have Eiffel Towers; I have gargoyles... Perhaps I can tie in a photo to something Serbian and post on my blog! No gargoyles here... I once saw a very chintzy Eiffel Tower lamp I saw (not in Paris!) and still regret not buying it....
Je te souhaite un bon voyage...
Oh Victoria, this post is so you that, reading it, I could almost hear your voice in my ear! (Well, I didn't understand all you said when we met in November, but who cares? No problem reading your words!)
My son is having his very difficult examination Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, only 197 students will pass it among more than 900 candidates... Then, he will be on vacation! Maybe he'll want to come to Paris with me... We must stay focused still for a few days!
Don't you wish we were young (younger) again. On my first trip to Europe, I took an extra pair of blue jeans, some underwear, sox and an extra shirt or two. Once I got there, I realized I over-packed.
Oh my, I called you Victoria again! Now, I can be sure you'll never want to talk to me anymore! Even if I give you some interesting addresses for a Parisian shopping? I kwom, I'm a bad friend...
Well, I know, of course. Ok, I am not good to anything today, maybe too stressed...
You are such a kid. I love your enthusiasm -- about everything.
You are of course forgiven! I LOL when I saw it. You are stressed for your son and hopefully a few days in Paris with us will be a nice holiday for you! You must come and shop with us. And there's the Cartier-Bresson exhibit too!
B2, oh that I could pack light like you did. At my age I need a lot of extra "help"! HA
I'm sure Peter would like some relief as the tripod schlepper for the night shoot! Come on. One can never have to many photography sherpas (or scarves).
My only problem is how to tie the darn scarves. I will have to be very observant. Was your headache leftover from the champagne consumed with the bloggers? HA
If you can't get enthusiastic over going to France, you are hopeless I think!
3 lens a tripod and best tip is get a decent camera bag with the right sized compartments. They are a must. Scarf fetish have we here I see.Another tip those scarves over the head and camera can create a marvellous tunnel vision image. I'm on the hoof again just checking in to say Jealllllllllllous!
Be my eyes in France.
I love this! Collections are the true sign of a fetishist...I'll keep my eye out for any tasteful replicas. You sound like you're ready to go. Have a great time and think of me whenever you're in the pâtisserie .
I'm shaking with excitement pour toi...hope to hop a flight to join in the fun for a day or two.
This reminds me that ONCE I used to pack a variety of scarves, too! Silk scarves of any types. Over the years most of them have worn out and I haven't replaced them, but I was given a fantastic Pashmina, good for fresh summer evenings and warm in winter...
Your Tour Eiffel collection is absolutely lovely!
Every year that passes
the bag is lighter,
so do not feel
the time that passes ...
Beautiful collection, well done!
Oh summer pashminas are in the mix believe me. I'll bet you can find wonderful ones in Italy as well.
You'd better get on over. We'll turn Paris on its ear!
Festishist. I am one and I have multiples!ha
I'm still pondering the scarf/tunnel vision deal. You might have to get G. to take a picture of you doing it! I'm LOL!
I'm glad to see you got a tripod, you'll see the benefits immediately. (But, no, I didn't use one for the "Psychic" photo you asked about this morning.) The other day I bought a monopod. Very lightweight bu not sure how well its gonna work.
Hope you have a wonderful trip tho I'm sure we'll "talk" before then.
Très très bon voyage Virginia et très bon séjour dans mon beau pays la France ! prenez de superbes photos comme vous savez le faire si bien.
Yes, yes, get your wings warmed up. And such a perfect time of year to go to France. I sure hope you are in a place where you can upload photos.
BTW, Cindy thanks for for your comment about the picture of her and her daughter in Times Square!
I think there is a line trying to be your sherpa in Paris...
I arrive a little late but In my resume I wrote that I speak French and can be your portable dictionary!!
Who needs clothes anyways? ;-)
By the time I get home from my NC vacation, you will be in the air!
Keep me posted on how your airport to centre-ville plans are progressing!
Yes, scarves with a black outfit and you're suddenly a parisian....well at least in spirit!
I just tried to send you a personal email through this blog site, but I don't think that it went through. Will you send me an email -- I don't have your address in my webmail address book.
V, I thought of you this morning when I was watching CBS's Sunday Morning. One of their special features was about this famous landmark! Imagine my surprise to see this picture as I am trying to catch up on BADP! I am very excited for you!
HA! you are all just the best. Harriet, I'm hoping the scarf wardrobe might fool some of the French some of the time!
M-N, Lord I need your translation skills come , PLEASE!
Surely you jest. At my age, clothes are a necessity , even in France!
Merci, maybe we'll meet??
Nice collection of Madame la Tour Eiffel .... You must be so excited to pack up !
Once I was in Paris ... and I fall ill with the syndrôme de Paris, but I just thought that.
It's a lifelong sense of wellbeing.
So I wish you mes meilleurs vœux and bon voyage!
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