We had a little break from the Shadow Series this week but I'm not quite through. Bear with me. Today, is Part VI. I'm including two photos since I couldn't make a decision. Quelle surprise! The top shot was taken at Oak Street Garden Shop in Crestline Village. I liked the background shadows in this one. The bottom photo was taken at Sweet Peas Garden Shop in Homewood. The shadows on the orchid I thought were nice.
The sun that rests
is the perfume
of white forms.
Beautiful photos!
Orchids are exquisite as are these photos.
You don't fool us; you already started packing.
The second picture is a stunner.. I just love how the shadows are played on the petals.. stunning,
I have to say I have missed a few posts this week but I have enjoyed looking at the posts I have misse... The picture which jumped out was of young America. What a great capture that one is... she is a little beauty for sure.
V, you are making me sick with these Shadow posts! They are so damn good! I love these two.
Really sick :)
Virgina....yes, they are so damn good!!!! Paris again? Already? It can't hurt too start packing.
Actually I don't start packing till a day or so ahead because I take to much if I do!
YES again and for maybe 2 months. More about that later. Stay tuned.
Thank you so much for your comments and visits. I hope you are doing well!
OH NO, I don't want to make you sick! HA
Amatamari, beautiful poem. Did you write it?
Merci mon amie!!
Hi Virginia, i love photos of flowers, these ones are great. Well done.
Gorgeous flowers, gorgeous photos. Great job!
Your blossoms cheered my day!
Orchid? Magnolia? As you know, I am botanically challenged. The greenest thing in and around my childhood home was frozen peas. Nevertheless, I enjoy the delicacy of these. The flowers in the top photo look suspended in air.
Bob, Bob, Bob! Sugar, I've got to teach you the diff between an orchid and a magnolia. Let me see if I can find a magnolia in bloom before I blast off for France. Trying to educate you Yankees is wearing me out! :)
It would be hard to beat these two shots! Great job.
It's the light, has to be the light. Net has been down here and due to go off again, so I'll catch up soon. Blogger also being a pain.
I too am botanically challenged, but these (camelias?) are beautiufl, as is your new photo at the top. Just gorgeous.
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