For my Birmingham area readers I will be offering another series of photography classes. Designed for amateur photographers with any type digital/film camera who want to be more creative and learn to take better family and vacation photos.
Community Education South
April 18-May 16
6:00-8:00 PM
For more information:
Contact me at virgjones@gmail.com
At the risk of repeating myself, this is genius. Stunning portrait.
Good morning Virginia..
Wish I could attend your classes.
This image is as artfully arranged as the flowers. Brilliant, V. I won't be able to make it this year but if you are offering a class next year, Mr. Brattcat and I would be willing to travel down to Birmingham. Let me know when you begin to make your plans for 2012.
Beautiful portrait Virginia. Classic and delicate.
Hiker, I'm glad you like it!
Costas, your wonderful nature shots always inspire me.
Brattcat, YOu know I've been asked to do a weekend workshop. THat would be perfect for out of towners! I'm going to explore that idea!
Luis, She was classic and delicate!
Sounds like a fun, educational time.
Lovely ..
A lovely photo of the kimono clad Japanese woman with the flowers! I loved watching Ikebana while I was teaching English in Japan. I should have joined a club and learned something more about flower arranging!
Your photos of spring are always a treat. And you have a real talent for portraits.
Awwwwwww - love how your captured her eyes through the window of branches...more genius!
Perfect framing for such a sweet looking lady!
what a beautiful portrait, both straight and avant all at once!
Thank you my friends. Yes this lovely lady was a delight to photograph. I"m pleased that you liked her portrait.
You have made a very subtle mask for her. Our cherry trees in the botanical garden just popped into bloom after a few days in the mid 70's. I want to go shoot them Saturday when there is a chance of snow.
Virgina, this is the best photo I've seen all morning!
a very creative portrait!
Another outstanding portrait Virginia!!! Like Mad About Paris, I love how you framed her eyes with the branches...this is absolute perfection!!! I hope you gave her an opportunity to purchase this...or perhaps get a model's release so you can sell it at the Botannical Gardens!!!
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