Have mercy! It's hotter than blue blazes ( HELL!) here in Birmingham! Last week it hit 105F. Now do you believe me?? Well I found this shady spot at Sweet Peas Garden Shop on Linden Avenue in Homewood. I'd like to sit down right here with a *funeral home fan and cool off.
* If you don't understand funeral home fan, see my comment and my hipper version below!
BTW, it's part of my table/chair series as well!
superbe les ombres et la lumiere sur cette chaise, très bonne idée de photo
haughtiness shades and lumiere on this chair, very good idea of photograph
105! And it's only June. I'm feeling faint, I need a fan, a funeral fan.
Here's my guess: It's a giant fan used during summer when a body is in repose. Keeps airborne critters at a distance.
Those temps are more like what I was expecting in the south! I'm glad we missed them...
Lovely 'GREEN' photo, V.!
Our friend is still in prison, but he called his family two nights ago saying he is OK (I wonder what 'OK' means...). As far as I understood his friends have some hope he can join them next week. Maybe, just maybe the authorities have not yet connected him with his blog or LIFE magazine. That's why I have deleted every information on my blog.
Love this photo...don't love the temperature! Hope you have a cool spot somewhere.
It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreRee Bali ***
AH, I really got a laugh out of your interpretation of the funeral home fan! Believe me, we are sometimes about dead from the Alabama heat and humidity!
JM, thank you for letting us know about Amir. I need to thank YOU for something else...I was telling V when we had lunch on Wednesday...that YOU were the person who led me to BADP! I had clicked on a comment of yours over at Willow Manor and saw the blogs you follow...and naturally had to see all about the town where I grew up!
V, oh yes, Baby, you have VOICE! I love the photo...sounds like another place I want to visit. I love garden shops!
We seem to be competing "weatherwise" photowise I still have to do some catching up..
Love the picture. We could use some relief from the heat down here too.
So, what is the funeral fan??
Nice one ! i 've posted a chair photo too !
Of course, I don't understand your" funeral home fan"...Is it a drink? (love the picture with Heineken in Paris!)
I completely understand the fan. Do they still make those?
great shot and I love sweet peas!
What in the blue blazes(that I know) is a "funeral home fan" then? Even we have a flush of heat here.
Hi Virginia, I have been enjoying checking in on your blog for some time now. I always love your photographs & seeing some of the familiar sites around town that are my favorites, too. BTW, my husband is a photog & his studio is right across the street from Sweet Peas (next to Plain Clothes).You can check him out at www.billybrown.com Also, thanks for checking out my blog-Always fun to connect to other people who make our city a great place to live-Thanks for showing everybody in lovely pictures:)-LA
Well OK, time to explain the "funeral home fan" to those of you outside of the south. It's one of those cardboard fans on a wooden stick. Long ago, they were an advertisement for funeral homes etc. They often used them in churches to help the folks cool off since there was no AC at that time. I'm adding a "hip" version I purchased last fall at Art Walk!
Merci, merci for this explanation! A nice weekend to you!
V, come, drink. McSorleys, Harp, Bridge Cafe...all serving!
Lordy, ain't it the truth! It's just unbearable outdoors these days. I used a funeral home fan just last Sunday at church, with the air conditioner AND ceiling fans running wide open! Except I think it was a political ad and not a funeral home. Either way, it stirred the air.
I'm late in wishing you a happy one year blogoversary and WELCOME HOME!
I'm laughing out loud at your church experience. Our sanctuary is usually so cold you can hang meat and it better be this Sunday! Thanks for the well wishes. We need to get together when you're in town. You know I stay away from T Town if I can !HA
Don't tempt me!
Now I"ve got you talking like a southern Birminghamian.
Lee Ann,
I love hearing from my B'ham readers. I emailed your husband. His work is just wonderful. I might stop by when I'm on LInden.
I knew you would!
I'm on my way over to visit and see your chair. You know I photographed a dozen in Paris!
I know Jackson's hot as a firecracker too. Did you see Bill Dixon's shot of Robert Trent while I was gone? I hope so. Did you play that course while you were here?
At least yours is less humid with the high heat.
We will get together with Carol in Auburn when I return from France. Can't wait!!
Nice place to sit and relax and cool down...very nice photo...it's hot here, too...we had 103 Monday and high 90's every other day...unusual!
There's only one way to cool off this week in the American South and Midwest: go inside and crank up the AC. We used to have funeral home fans here, too. Now we got Trane and Carrier.
Of course I knew immediatly what a funeral fan is... does that make me old?
I don't know if a funeral fan will help... I'm melting!
Welcome back, V. This is indeed a very well placed and welcome chair.
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