The best part of the Magic City Art Connection in my opinion, is the WIDE range of art that is offered. There's always some art/artists that just blow me away with their talent and creativity. The word "funky" comes to mind! Case in point is
Randy Gachet, a sculptor from Birmingham. I regret that I don't have a photo of Randy to share. I think I was so busy trying to capture his art that I forgot to meet him!
Talk about reusing materials. Randy uses old TIRES for his amazing work. The mirror in the top photo was something to see. I stared wide mouthed for a few minutes before I attempted to photograph it. The bird and his perch are made from a series of rubber pieces as well.
I hope Randy is careful when he's out on the interstate picking up those old tires! Blowouts are welcome I would think.
You have a great eye for composition!
beaucoup d'artiste travaille avec des produits de recyclage et je trouve cela bien. Cela donne de beaux résultats, la preuve avec tes photos
Many artists working with recycled products and I find it good. This gives great results, the evidence with your photos
My goodness how clever he is. I also love the photo of YOU in the mirror. You look great!
What a big nest ;) Without artists the world would be so sad :)
I love that mirror!!
This is a great piece of art and a very good picture indeed! I like the aspect of reuse. This holds not only for the art work but recycling of things has always been a good idea.
Made with tyres??? I couldn't believe that, but I have had to do when I enlarged your shot and saw you in the mirror!
I am constantly amazed how two people can look at the same thing and see two totally different things.
They're great! And I see YOU in the top one. An imaginative artwork made into an imaginative photo.
These are excellent... I saw something similar done with drift wood... how I wish I had the eye to see what they see when looking at bits we all come across..
Cool! I like recycled art!
I covet the lower one.
Go visit Tash, she has a scene dedicated to you.
That is indeed clever work and we have a bonus, you! I love it when photographers include themselves in a photo. And you made me laugh out loud last night. You're a card!
Thanks for the tip. Tash at Palos Verdes DP does have a great table/chair offering today! Thanks Tash.
Hats off to Randy! Recycling tires for art like this is a lot better than painting them white for yard planters!
Today's artists need a lot imagination! No paintings or scultpures like "photos" needed anymore! Replaced by what you and some others produce!
Love the mirror ... what a talented man!
The creativity of some people is just amazing. Wish I was that way. Most of us just see an old tyre while others see this magic. I love, love, love the mirror!
i like the photo of you in the middle!
AWWWW come on guys. Don't be enlarging my photos. Most are marginal sharp and if you do that then the jig is up and you see how soft they are. You also catch me in the photo which I thought no one would notice!
For May Day, I bought lots of herbs for my garden, and have dedicated certain ones to certain people. Yours is the rosemary, because it is fragrant, has beautiful flowers, and cannot be contained.
So do you mean......... a wild thang???
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