Ceiling Detail
* While I am in France, I have asked some of my photography friends to share some of their fine work with you. I hope you will leave them comments. I'm sure they will enjoy hearing from you as much as I do! While I'm gone I will be blogging on Paris Through My Lens. Stop by and follow my adventures in France!!!
Today we bid farewell to guest photographer, Doug Stocks. I saved my favorite photograph for the last. I think you will agree that this image taken at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrement at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville is superb. Thank you Doug for sharing your exquisite work with my readers!

Don't forget to visit Doug's website for more of his terrific photographs.
That is a wonderful shot! Thanks for sharing your superb photos with us, Doug!
Wonderful photo. Thanks for the visual treat.
Maya, does this look familiar? This is the shot you and Janet and I could not get!!!
excellent detail... i love the patterns and light...
Superb photo, lovely capture!
The repetitive curves and arcs , simply perfect!
Well my week "up at bat" for Virginia while she is off have a grand old time in City of Lights has come to an end. Some one else will be stepping up to the plate tomorrow. This has been an absolutely delightful experience made so by all of your many kind words, and by my discovery of your websites, previously unknown to me. Thank you all so very very much. If you care to correspond directly with me you can do so at doug@dougstocks.com
Doug, so enjoyed the photos, and this one is spectacular. Thank you.
PS to Last:
I forgot to include the most important thing of all:
Thank you so very very much, dear Virginia, for this great honour that you bestowed upon me.
I can see why it was your favourite V.
Doug, we've really enjoyed having you here, loved your super images.
And Doug may I say a big thank you for allowing me to post but a few of your fabulous images. What a wonderful mentor, teacher, shooting buddy and friend you are! Merci mon ami mille fois!
Virginia - I see why this is your favorite - as they'd say in L.A. - it's awsome.....and then some! No - they don't say that last part - I just added that. Doug - it's been a pleasure to have you fill in for Virginia - the best of both worlds for us - you here and her in Paris! Who could ask for more?
V: Yes, I thought it looked familiar. He obviously is a very talented man!
Soaring indeed. You must have had an "in" with Fr Jacques?
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