I spent a great afternoon at the Children's Fresh Air Farm recently. Owned and run by my church, Independent Presbyterian Church, it has been the site of the BELL ( Building Educated Leaders for Life )program this summer. I got wind that the campers would be using the zipline the next day so I poked around till I found the site. Not an adventurous person by nature, I really didn't give the logisitics a lot of thought. I found the tower, and they told me to come on up! They said to go around and use the bridge, it was easier. (That should have been my first clue) OK, I had to cross this long and swaying bridge to get to the tower and then........... I had to climb this tiny ladder up to the top, or almost the top, of the tower. You don't even want to know what I wanted to scream. Deep breath........I made it. I'm up there and tickled to photograph some of the leaders giving it a test run. I can't tell you how they tried to persuade me to do it, but I just couldn't. I was too worried about having to go back down that ladder and across that bridge. Oh the things I do for a few good photos. Been there, done that , won't be going again. And I hear that the next day those 8 year olds had a ball!
See side photo for proof I actually got that far!

Lauren was far braver than I!
trop courageuse
Wheeeeee! I flew on a zip-line in Costa Rica and would love to go with you to try this one out!
What a brave, intrepid reporter you are, V. Thank you for busting out of your comfort zone to get these shots.
Next time, we'll do it together;you go first.
Fun pics. Bravo for steeling your nerves to capture them.
You missed out! Ziplining is fun!!! :)
Adventurous spirit that you are and you didn't line the zip? I think that should be one of your goals for August.
I zipped in Puerta Vallarta about 7 years ago...very fun...I do believe I screamed a few times!!!
The Met has an installation of climbing bamboo platforms/skywalks ... I will stay earthbound, thank you....
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Through My Eyes
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The ex loved to wait until I was in the middle of a swinging bridge and then he would start jumping....glad he wasn't around when you went across. hehe
Canopy tours in B'ham? I thought you had to follow Dave to Costa Rica for that.
Hi from KC.
I did 12 zip-lines in Mexico. You could have done it. It was a ton of fun.
Next time take the zip line with camera in hand for action shots. :)
I love you all .......but I"m not zipping. Period. End of conversation.
Very cool!
I wouldn't have made across that bridge, let alone down the zip line.
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