Sometimes a girl just can't make up her mind. In that case, just wear one of each! I spotted this cutie while I was in
What's On 2nd? yesterday afternoon. I told her I liked her boot and we struck up a conversation. Before I knew it, she was pretty much calling the shots.....literally. After I took numerous shoe shots, she told me she'd like some of her face, and then decided maybe she'd like one of the top of her head so I could see her hair! Oh and of course she wanted to see all the photos on my camera as well. I was happy to do just that. I guess I was so enamored, I forgot to ask her name!
Wonderful shot Virginia! Love the girl's face.
Totally love her fashion vibe.
I have a feeling some day we'll all know her name. She seems iike a young woman with a bright future.
I bet when she's older, other girls will want to follow her lead in fashion!
Every woman (and girl) needs a pair of red shoes. How clever of her to select a red cowboy boot (not as nice as mine, but we won't tell her). At least she doesn't have two left feet!
Actually it was even better.......HOT PINK!!!
Thank you very much. I do too.
She was adorable. I think you're right.
I did too. I want somet that color.
She's a girl who knows what she likes for sure!
Just gotta love her fashion sense, outgoing personality, and charm! It seems that she knew a kindred spirit when she saw you.
The portrait is beautiful.
Fun story!!!
Very cute! I think her name was Nancy something or other...ah...Sinatra?
How gracious of you: ) She is adorable.
Kids sometimes make great fashion statements with their footware. When Andy was 9 the family went to the Loire Valley and Paris. His self-designed style was to wear Converse high top sneakers in two different colors, e.g., red and blue, green and yellow, and when a pair wore out he'd switch to the remaining shoe. The Parisians stared and then smiled in approval.
And guess who now craves cowboy boots....?
She has style!:) Nice images and a beautiful model.
Always best to be the fashion trend setter.
I love her, she's going to be famous some day ...
Darling!!! She should definitely go with the boot!!!
wv: thelaw !!!
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