On Thursday I posted photographs from a local Greek restaurant,
The Fish Market. My blog friend in Greece, Costas, left a very nice comment and a link to some interesting finds in his country. I promised him that I would post some photos from the chapel at
Holy Trinity-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church, just for him! As you can see, this is a beautiful little chapel.
I will be photographing a friend's wedding in this chapel soon. I went last week to check the lighting and do a "dry run". I have never shot a wedding before so I'm a little nervous. The bride and her family are dear friends and I want to do the best that I possibly can for them.
That's exciting! Congratulations. You're going to do a beautiful job. Trust your instincts. Your higher ones.
Thank you Virginia for these photographs and your nice comments on my blog. This chapel really has an original Greek-Orthodox touch.
I would like you to have a look at a few photographs of a really old church in my village in Crete. Just a few meters from my old family house. The inside is really interesting. I wont say any more and let you to judge.
Have a great weekend.
It is a lovely chapel-- one of my favorite Birmingham places!
And you'll do a great job at the wedding!
They are very lucky to have you as a friend and as their wedding photographer. I hope we get to see a shot or two.
Hi! Virginia ! Je suis Française et je viens de découvrir votre blog ! Je l'aime beaucoup ! J'espère que vous comprenez le français !
Je comprends l'anglais ! Je suis un professeur à la retraite et j'habite à Paris!
Je lirai votre blog tous les jours !
Bonne journée ! Claudine
Je comprends mais mon français est terrible! :( Merci pour votre comments!! Aussi Paris Through My Lens?
(Claudine, the whole comment was done without using Google Translator so forgive my mistakes!)
I will go vist the link . I'm glad you like our chapel here. Maybe you will visit us one day!!
Thanks for your encouraging words everyone. I hope I can do a good job.
Je suis surprise par la réponse très rapide! I can write in english but it's easier for me to write in french ! My son lives in New York for several years! I go overthere four or five times a year ! I was with him in july!
Merci pour votre gentille réponse ! A bientôt !
Non, écrire en français s'il vous plait!!! Il me permet. Merci!
Bonnr journé!
Whoa Virginie...votre français est très très bon aujourd'hui !
Some beautiful shots here!!! Love the top one!!
And congratulations on your promotion to wedding photographer!!! You'll be fabulous!!!
I love that top one especially. Very well done.
How exciting for you. You can miss in such a beautiful setting with a glowing bride and her groom.
Seems as if you are beginning career "number 2". Good Luck.
Of course I misspelled bonne and had to ask GT for a little help with one sentence. Amazing how much you can get around with a limited French vocabulary! As you well well know, I read it better than I speak it, but that's not saying much!
Please don't elevate me Wedding Photographer just yet. This is a small wedding and so I'm just helping them out. Pray that I don't get furious with the tripod and sling it down the aisle!
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