I know Birmingham Alabama isn't the only spot that's had record temps hovering around 100F/32C for what seems like months, so I thought I'd try and find something nice and cool for all of you that experiencing the same heat wave. How about a cold glass of freshly squeezed lemonade for the lemonade guy at the Pepper Place? Ahhhhhh.......
Great way to cool off.
Freshly squeezed lemonade.
une bonne citronnade froide quand il fait chaud, hummm.... belle composition
I love lemonade like this. Beautiful composition, too.
Pour me a glass, please! I think that we are in the upper 90s today in Mobile -- Lovely photo, Virginia -- It is very cooling!
This is beautiful, V, and it really does cool the viewer down.
I hope life didn't give him too many lemons.
A 'cool' summer shot. Hard to go wrong with lemonade.
Yes, I think I'll have one of those!
That would hit the spot right about now.
Star$$ has this iced green tea/lemonade that is SO invigorating (and refreshing) it might be considered illegal
I love this little still-life! Such a summery photo. However, it's cool and cloudy here-- can I get a hot chocolate instead? ;-)
It's a holiday here today and warm so a perfect day for lovely lemonade made from scratch. Great photo.
C'est bon une limonade bien fraîche mais pas trop sucrée ! Ici, il pleut et il ne fait pas trop chaud !
Bonne journée!
Ici, 32C tous les jours TROP CHAUD!!!
What a fine composition this is! Love all the details and title too. Just wonderful!
I'm so sorry about the temp, but must admit, this looks delish. Got a favorite lemonade recipe? If you've got the time, I've got the lemons.
WV: Sloptill. You drop?
Looks absolutely refreshing.
Oh, that looks heavenly. It was around 100 when we drove through Kansas City today. 101 expected here in STL tomorrow. But now that I'm home, a nice glass of chardonnay is doing the job nicely.
Thank you all for your COOL wishes! I"m off to crank up my little fan that assists my AC at night by my bed. Whew!!!
je vais prendre un petit verre aussi
Looks good!
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