Corinne Cox's Creative Whirl

My Eva has shown a lot of interest in photography lately. In fact she's taken over her mom's camera , probably a good thing. Today she has chosen two of her photographs to share with you. I captured the photographer at work shooting her favorite piece - Back to Nature by Tracie Noles-Ross. Eva says she likes this piece because " it has people and animals on it and it's just cool!" I'll have some more to share in the weeks to come.
Merci ma chère Eva for my new profile photo as well!
My next series of five two hour classes will be starting again soon. For those in the Birmingham AL area, contact me for more details. These classes are designed for the amateur photographer who wants to improve their vacation and family photos!
For the more experienced photographers out there, I have a new class starting in September that will focus on creative ways to photograph our city!
"A Set Goal" by Palo Pallas
How great is it that you can mentor your granddaughter in an art form she can pursue her entire life? Life is good.
I love you've made me want to create something like this.
Way to go, Eva! Nice photo and I love the one you took of Mumsie!
She has a budding talent with photography. Nice work, Eva. I was that age too when I got interested in it.
Isn't it wonderful to see the creativity streak run through the family?
Congratulations Eva, I'm sure you will learn fast !
That's a very cool idea and a brilliant composition on top!
Eva's got great genes - she's bound for glory with you as her Mumsie and Melissa as her Maman!
did I read this right -- are you saying the photography gene skips a generation?
Love these, especially creative whirl. (Did she take that stunning new avatar photo as well?)
Sadly yes, it skipped a generation! :) And oui, Miss Eva took that profile photo as well.
Thank you all for your comments. I"m sure Eva will have fun reading them when she gets home from school today!
Wow! Beautiful photos, Ms. Eva. I'm very impressed.
Well composed, Eva.. and your shot of grandmere is tres jolie
Skipped a generation!!!!! Gee thanks, as Janet would say, "the F stops here."
your daughter that is good at everything else
The photo caught my eye, and then your description of your granddaughter's budding photographic interest caught my interest.
To the daughter of the daughter-who-is-good-at-everything-else, you're good. That's one of my favorite pictures of Mumsie.
Whee! That'll brighten your day. Reminds me of the sculpture of Niki de Saint Phalle, which you might have run into (or see my posts of 4-28 and 29-2008).
These are so cool.
I guess now we will see heads along with the cows, horses, and sheep in communities around the world.
Very nice! Kids take the best shots!
Eva has her Mumsie's wonderful, imaginative eye....good for her!
I agree with Karin - one of my favorite pictures of you as well, V!
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