Monday, May 14, 2012


Jarrett Palmore was a hit at Art in Avondale Park.  Instead of just exhibiting his work, he also sat on the ground and showed us all how it was done.  I"ll have to admit I was as fascinated as all the kids and adults that stood around him as he created his celestial landscapes using spray paint!


Olivier said...

j'aime beaucoup ces artistes de rue, ils mettent de la joie dans les rues

Thérèse said...

Il travaille sans masque?

brattcat said...


SRQ said...

Great opportunity for the kids to see how his works are created.

Daryl said...

love all the footwear

Virginia said...

Yes, I asked him and he said he holds his breath while spraying!

Tanya Breese said...

how cool!

Kathy said...

I love all those little feet!

Melissa said...

Wow this would be neat to see!

Pat said...

We've got these guys here, too. I posted one here. They're fun to watch, but the fumes get to me!

Bergson said...

il attire les enfants

Stefan Jansson said...

Must have been interesting to see him in action.

Unknown said...

Wonderful, V! I love all the little feet.