Saturday, November 30, 2013

Birmingham Alabama Daily Photo On The Road - Auburn, Alabama

Today a photograph from my alma mater, Auburn University. We're playing a very big game today and I'm posting this........ because I can! 


cath carbone said...

Joli post!
Have a nice week-end! Cath.

Stuart said...

As a UT grad (and you know which one I mean... the REAL one), I'll try to be polite here. I guess I have to be given the school's record this year! Enjoy the game.

William Kendall said...

A nice building!

I assume the game in question would have to be football...? So asks the Canadian oblivious to American college sports...

Bob Crowe said...

Just checked the score. Bama up a touchdown with most of the second half to go. Go Whateverthey are!

Must me a lovely campus. The architecture looks kinda German, like many of the old buildings in Carolyn's part of Kansas.

Margaret said...

YOU WON! You WON! Wow, what a finish!

FancyHorse said...

This is a beautiful shot of Samford Hall. Maybe the university would like to sell prints in the book/gift shop; I'm sure people would buy them!

Today's game was unbelievable! War Eagle!!!