Saturday, November 2, 2013

UFO's Descend on Red Mountain

Last night hight atop Red Mountain, these UFO's descended to shed light on our festivities at The Club!


cath carbone said...

Très joli post ! c'est magnifique !
Merci de ta visite et tes commentaires sur mes pages de blogs! bon week-end!

Luis Gomez said...

Love this one Virginia!

RedPat said...


William Kendall said...

Very nicely composed, Virginia!

Stuart said...

This is perfect given that this Halloween is the 75th anniversary of Orson Well's radio broadcast of the War of the Worlds. Great shot !

Lynette said...

Cool photo, Virginia. I never like that hot air around my head and the sinuses therein, though.

Bob Crowe said...

Quick! Call Orson Wells!

MadAboutParis said...

"War Eagle Victory" Eve!