Birmingham is blessed with many beautiful columns that have thankfully not succumbed to the wrecking ball. Today's column is brought to you by the Massey Building in downtown Birmingham. While most depend on their decorative capitals to give them pizzaz, these columns are beautiful in their own right. I think these soft curves and the way the horizontal joints line up perfectly make these especially appealing.
Nice. What I particularly like is how perspective makes the horizontal bands on the front column appear wider apart than the one behind it, creating a greater sense of depth.
Looks like the kind of columns you could get a bunch of good angles on and a bevy of good pictures.
the close up angle reveal the beautiful patterns of both the columns and the wall behind, and make a very nice composition.
thank you for your kind and encouraging words, Virginia.
I like them too!
belles colonnes, la lumiere sur les colonnes sont très belles.
nice columns, light on columns are very nice.
nicely done! Love the abstract of this photo, yet quite real.
I've been visiting often & am always impressed by your photos - The bloom, the 4 sisters, the razzle-dazzle... all just fabulous photos that also describe your city. I've really enjoyed viewing the sepia shots of Paris. Just great. Thanks for your comments - it means a lot from a true photographer. Tash
I discovered your blog by chance, I visited your gallery in your web page and I love your way to take the details. Great!
Absolutely lovely!
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