Thursday, July 31, 2008


Today's photo is brought to you by the color GREEN!  I snapped this photo last weekend while attending a brunch for a dear friend's daughter.  On my way in, I passed this lovely pond with a fisherman patiently waiting for a bite.  Since I was a bit late,  I couldn't  stop.  As I left, I just had to slow down and take a few shots of this idyllic scene. What caught my eye was the lush greenery reflected in the still water. It was a "mizzly" day, but I hope you enjoy this oasis in the midst of our big city .

P.S. "Mizzly" is a southern term that means a day that is part rainy, drizzly, well..... you know!


melanie said...

C'aurait été dommage de ne pas nous faire profiter ...

Eki said...

The tranquility is so inviting ...! If I were there, I could probably sit for hours with a good book and a fishing pole (though I must say I'm not much of a fisher. Fish seems to be scared of me :D)

Virginia said...

Oui, c'est dommage!

Eki, Don't know if the fish are biting in this pond. Maybe!!

Kate said...

I'm intrigued by the varied shades of green in the photo, which is very clear after I enlarged it! I love the word "mizzly" and will begin using it!!

Rob said...

Nothing like relaxing at a quiet pond trying to outsmart a fish. Now you know why we fisherpeople enjoy this activity. We relax in beautiful environs.

Mizzly down south similar to our snizzle up north. Snizzle you ask? Part snow part drizzle.

Chuckeroon said...

...yes, well, it's "mizzly" here too! The world's gone mad!

BTW...glad you liked London Central. FYI..I used spot focus set on a particular building, and (certainly for some..if not actually this one) I made sure of exposure by using spot metering precisely on the same spot-focussed building. The tweaks were done on dear old Picasa 2 (no more than that!) I went to B&W, pushed up the highlights and the shadows until it looked about right. This made the picture rather more attractive than the colour version which was slightly weird because of the light and the general effect of "weird" temperature/pressure/cloud/sun combinations (totally "un-British").

Steffi said...

That´s´s a very peaceful photo.Very nice and your blog too!


Anonymous said...

Green indeed! I love reflection shots and this one is great.

Mizzly.. Love it :)

Janet said...

I had never heard of "mizzly" before, but this does look like a mizzly day!

hj said...

I like this peaceful atmsphere very much !
Nice blog!

storyteller said...

This is a lovely image … almost as inviting as the one in your nifty header ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Whitney said...

beautiful picture! I love the reflection!

Ming the Merciless said...

Awesome photo, Virginia. The reflection is so perfect.

Yeah, I can feel the peace enveloping me. Ohmmmm!!!!!!!