This vibrant poppy window at Wildflower Designs at Birmingham's Pepper Place is a real showstopper. Owner/designer Sybil Sylvester is noted for her unique and creative approach to floral design. I photographed it (about a 100 different ways to avoid the reflection) a few months ago for a photography class. My theme was "Euro Birmingham", and I thought this window looked like one you might see in Paris. Sybil confirmed it. She bought it at the Paris Market.
Beautiful! Alabama can use a little Parisian influence.
Very nice blog!
Regards, Maria
Thanks for visiting! :)
What a creative idea for the windows!
Taking a photography class? Shouldn't you be the one each the class?!?!
elle est impressionnante cette fenêtre, c'est un vrai artiste le propriétaire.
it is impressive that window is a true artist owner.
I was going to say that working around reflections in windows is a real pain but then I thought better of it. Is this a window shade? It seems like such a good idea it's surprising you don't see it all over.
Fabulous photo, and very Parisian looking! Oh la la.
Yes it was a PAIN. I finally gave up and selected the PANES with the least amount of reflection. Could have waited till a cloudy day, but then i think it wouldn't have had so much life. You will appreciate the montetary output of ultraviolet and polarized filters plus a lens hood. I did go inside to see it , and it is a shade that is somewhat transparent. Tres francais.
Nice photograph. Nice blog too. And thanks for visiting mine.
For the past 3 years, Birmingham has been a regular stop for me on road trips to my hometown New Orleans. Some very nice people from a church group provided comfort and a home-cooked buffet to Hurricane Katrina evacuees staying at a hotel near the Collonade business park. My sister was one of the evacuees and I had gone down there to drive back with her to my home in Maryland. I've stayed in that same hotel several times since. You've got good people there.
The people here did provide many, many families with housing, clothing and mainly love and support. My daughter Kathleen headed up assistance from her church for Katrina victims for many months. That's what southern hospitality is all about. Glad you have such a warm feeling about our city.
You captured this beautifully! Sort f ironic, we use windows for reflection shots, but here you didn't want the reflection.
A circular polarizing filter may also help eliminate the unwanted reflection.
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. Nice to meet a fellow Daily Photographer. We seem to have a lot in common including a love of French things especially Paris and some of the books and movies you like and teaching and art.....and
Love your blog - great photos and interesting comments!!!
This poppy is a great idea and the Virginia creeper too!
Virginia, I think I've received an e-mail from you but when I saw it, it was too late and it has been deleted...Please, try another time if you want and I check it more carefully.
I do like this window and the idea behind it. I came up with a design using Venetian blinds that change pictures when open or closed.
You can also do some wonderful things with the old roll down or spring loaded window shades.
Just beautiful and very clever!
I LOVE poppies.
i love how the red is made more vibrant by the greens around it. nice capture.
That is amazing!
A very nice window in bloom! Now, I have a challenge to find something similar in Paris!
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