Those of you from a certain era ( I know who you are!) will remember the Ice O Mat. My grandmother ( Nanny) in North Little Rock, Arkansas had one. I loved me some crushed ice with a Coca Cola poured over it. Still do. This vintage ice crusher "turned my crank" as Wayne would say. I thought $18 was a little steep, but now I see that you can pay as much as $46 for one on Etsy! If you live in the Birmingham area, visit What's On 2nd? ( on Second Ave. of course) and plan to spend an hour or more poking around their 3 floors of memorabilia and "nostalgia items". It is well worth the trip.
I will be starting another 5 week series of photography classes, here in Birmingham, on
Monday, July 26 from 1-3pm.
These classes are designed for amateur photographers that want to take better family and vacation photos. Contact me if you are interested.
Wish I had one of those as a kid. When my friend and I wanted to make snow cones, we put ice on a cutting board, covered the ice with towels tucked under the edges of the board, and smashed it with a hammer. I thought only rich people had ice crushers. And I was probably right.
Now that you bring that up, my grandmother also wrapped ice cubes in a dish towel. and whacked them with the handle of a butcher knife. I don't know how she did that. The red Ice o Mat was a huge improvement and probably safer too!
This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment. It is no longer available in your country.
Thanks Sony....
je ne connais pas la glace pilée au coca
mais ça ne me manque pas je préfère les fraises pilées
That store would be a must for me, should I meander down (over, I guess, first) to Birmingham. I used to call my grandmother 'Nanny', too!
I think we sometimes used the hand cranked meat grinder to get shaved ice, but even that was a rare luxury.
Love the jelly jars shot in the banner. Now that's a childhood memory.
I'm 'crushed' that you didn't go back and snap that little ice crusher up.
As my kids say, "You had to crush it yourself?"
So you can't get the song or just the video "over there"?
Maybe I will!
Thanks, I think they might have been up there once before but I figure if I don't remember noone else does!
We're ancient aren't we!
It's what we call Coke now! :)
Really ? Awwww!
Well shut my mouth! ToonMan grew up in Hot Springs and Little Rock ...
I love love love how you change the header shots ... so cleverly creative
Thanks but it's not cleverly creative, it's the ADHD kicking in! I can't look at anything for very long. That's why my profile photo changes with the wind. I can't look at myself for very long either!
V, the ice crusher would be greatly appreciated in this heat and humidity! You know the marketers of kitchen appliances think they are so trendy not with "colors" and the mode was set many years ago. Love the RED!
Can't you just put the ice in a plastic bag and smash it with a hammer? :-)
So this is what you use to make crank calls?
I've never seen one of these. It was only in my early childhood that the icemen disappeared from the streets of NYC, the guys who delivered cold blocks for the icebox before everyone had a refrigerator.
Love the title and the color and the detail. Splendid, just splendid.
WV: buretspo - a new Italian coffee icee?
Unfortunately V, I too remember the ice crusher!!! (let me change that to "fortunately remember"...don't want to encourage the dementia gods!!!) We had one for Daddy's infamous whiskey sours and gin fizzes!!! We also had a juicer, both in matching white!!! I also remember crushing the ice the old fashioned way with a plastic bag and a towel and something heavy to smack it with!!! And no...definitely not rich folk, Mr. E...just a family who loved to spice up party!!!
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