Apparently while I wasn't looking, hula hoops came back in vogue. The first time around, in the late 50's, I was a world class "hooper", but the years have taken a toll. Evidently it's comeback is due to a new form of organized excercise...Hula Hoop classes. Who knew!!!
Recently my Eva gave one a whirl and not to be outdone, I had a go at it myself. I'm proud to say I hadn't lost my touch......well some of it. When we got home Eva said, "Momma, Mumsie did the hula hoop right out in front of everybody!" I'm thankful noone had a camera!
cela rappelle les cours d'école de mon enfance ;o))
My first hula hoop way back then was just plain old green...I loved it.
I bought a hula hoop awhile back..figured it to be a way to get my waist back...oh well...
My granddaughter was playing with one just the other day.
Hula-hooping is like bike riding. Once you learn how to do it your body never forgets. I bet your granddaughter was impressed that you could do it so well. Wish, wish, wish someone had taken a picture ( :
These hoops are lovely. I am sad to say I never mastered the art. But it looks fun!
Eva...your Mumsie does all kinds of things in front of everybody - it's best just to laugh and nod.
As Bibi points out, back in the 'olden days' they only came in a handful of monochrome colours.
Hard to believe, but true.
Ah I remember it well ... and it was good exercise w/o seeming to be exercise
You go girl. Love the shot, very energetic.
Damn. Now I know what to get Eva for Christmas.
Well actually we hit the Kmart today and got us a hot pink one that lights up!! Now we can do it in the dark! :)
Who you callin' old???
well it did come back but it kept creeping up to places, well never mind. Eva will help me with my technique!
Virginia, thanks for stopping by One Photograph a Day and your kind comments.
As for humidity with DC's I think I have plenty but thanks for the offer if I happen to visit my dad in Mobile I will stop by.
Here is what has been going on whit Hula Hoops in the streets of DC.
Are you kidding me? I'm getting her a camera!
Well she has adopted her mom's camera (Mom doesn't use it as I'm around) and has started taking photos. I"m going to take her with me on some shoots. I"ll see what she can capture if I can perfect my " hoop style"! :)
I could be a dork and say hoop de doo!, but it wont. Looking down into that top picture gives me vertigo.
so good!
I saw my first hula hoop when I was about four. What a great image this is.
Oh David, You're such a "baby"! HA I was in 6th grade I think. I was damn good then but the years have taken a toll. I"m hoping to do some "closet" practicing with my grandchildren!
wow, vibrant colors to these hoops for hips. I'm sensing V will be teaching hula hoop classes.
The top shot would be an outstanding entry on the next month theme! Wonderfully captured, V.!
Love both hula pictures!
Next thing we know you'll be TEACHING the hula hoop class !
:-) Congratulations for being so good at it still ! I think I should get down to it, I'm sure it's great for the waistline.
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