Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fog Settles Over Lake Logan Martin

LaTrelle Grayson finds his lake home at Lake Logan Martin fertile ground for photographs. Have a look at this one!


Olivier said...

magnifique cette photo et cette brume

Thérèse said...

Low fog and fairly good sight above! So that we can see what's going on, very nice.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Very nice shot, LaTrelle, with the town lights showing softly through the fog. The water tower in the distance adds an interesting touch to the landscape as well.

TheChieftess said...

Ditto to Genie's comment LaTrelle!!! Very nice!!!

FancyHorse said...

I like the sunset colors, and the air of mystery provided by the fog!

Gunn said...

Looks mysterious and very pretty, a place for Norwegian Trolls to go on holiday!:)

Anonymous said...

This is a great Photo of Logan Martin Lake do you do all these yourself or do you find them. Also I would like to ask you about using some on my Logan Martin Real Estate website?

Virginia said...

I have sent you an email via your website regarding this photograph and others. Thank you for your interest.