NO Signs are the City Daily Photo Theme today! City Daily Photo sites around the world are featuring photos posting "No" signs from their city. Here in Birmingham, this clever "No Poop Zone" sign was spotted right in my neighborhood. What a creative way to remind the neighbors of the proper doggy etiquette.
For links to other Theme Day participants, click Theme Day on the sidebar.
That hilarious! Great Picture!
I need about a dozen of those for our city park.
Cute sign! What a great entry to the theme day.
You're holding out on me! I might need you to shoot me some of your Helena pics when my photo well runs dry! Your picture reminded me to add The Christmas Story to my list of favs.
Great picture and great contribution to the theme.
Technical note (unofficial) you don't show up on the theme at the portal as you've put the code on your sidebar - it needs to be in the actual days post for the portal theme-specific-pages to pick it up.
Some of us will find you anyway!
Happy Theme Day!
This is trully one of the most creative NO sign I've even seen! Cute and eye-catching!
Hi Virginia,
I want one of these for my yard!
I saw this same sign in a yard here about a year ago. I had to stop and look twice to be sure I was seeing correctly! hilarious
That's a cutie for sure! And I recognize that magnolia leaf nearby, proving this is authentically from the south!
Happy theme day!
Seattle Daily Photo
I like this ... every garden should have one..and of course park..
Very good entry for this theme day. And it's a celver and fun way to remind dog owners that other people might want to have access the grass too!
Funny sign! No one will miss this message. Great!
Hilariously quirky, I love this sign. I need this sign, I want this sign.
Thank you for stopping by myphoto-blog. I guess I'm breaking the City Daily Photo rules by my photography away from my hometown. Thank you for the Virtual Tourist link, I added their homepage to my Traveler's Corner. We're on Trip Advisor.
This spring, for 10 days, we spent April in Paris. Still going through our photos, I have 12 from Normandy and 62 from Paris uploaded in my flickr site. 2006 was Italy.
I'll ask somebody to make this sign for our neigbourhood here! Thanks! :)
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