My longtime readers will recognize this sweetie patootie. Yes, this is Lilly and now she's a big two year old. I first photographed her
here , and then last year we took some photos before her first cochlear implant
here. Well now she's had her second surgery and oh my goodness! That girl can talk up a storm now , and as my grandmother would say, "She's smart as a whip!" Monday we had another photo shoot. The top photo was my favorite and the second one is pretty special too. Lilly spotted my Eva and pointed to the spot next to her on the step and said, "Sit!" Eva did as told. They are now BFF, and Lilly shed a few tears when Mom Lisa put her in the car to go home. Oh and by the way, Lilly has a message for all of you out there.......WAR EAGLE!! I told you she was smart! :)
And if you want to keep up with Lilly's progress and her shenanigans, you guessed it.... she has a blog! How can I compete with that???