A week ago my friend Bill and I did a late afternoon shoot in downtown Birmingham. I caught this one with high hopes that the setting sun would come out just the way I saw it. Not so much. I'll go back and try again. Meanwhile, Bill caught the photograper grappling with the sunset!
I'm sure, Virg, you wanted to bee grappling something else.
Maybe you'll have better luck in Paris.
I like both of these images, V. And I wouldn't complain about the gritty urban sunset image ... it's quite nice.
une photo qui fait penser a une fin de monde ;)
Wow, that's a cool one. I wonder what Olivier is thinking...
Why I hope so too! :)
I hope not!!!
Thanks Chuck. THe sun looked like a big orange ball just before it sank out of sight. The photo didn't show it. Hmmmmm
I really like the mood evoked by your sunset shot, V. I also like that halo of light around your head in the second.
The Sun never seems to cooperate.
It may not be what YOU wanted us to see, but we're happy with WHAT we see!
So there! We all win!
Did you have a tripod?
I took some sunset photos downtown a month or two ago. The sky was quite spectacular, but my pictures didn't turn out either.
How fun to go out on a photo shoot with a friend. Maybe I will see you around town one day. I hope so!
Both are wonderful .. love how your hair is moving with breeze .. pretty
I love the light in this and I love the shot of you with the light behind you - or rather in front of you.
That's really fabulous the way your hair looks so smart, even from the back and your bright yellow wind breaker. Always a stunner, from every angle.
One of the problems I frequently encounter digitally is that when there is high contrast both ends of the spectrum suffer. The sky goes white and picking up details in the shadows just ain't happening for me. I do most of my shooting at this time.
Bonsoir from Cincinnati where it is snowing! We all three hope to get on a flight tomorrow evening. Keep your fingers crossed. Thanks for all of your comments. :)
The street looks as busy as downtown St. Louis, meaning not much. So be careful - don't get whacked by any of those crazed Parisian taxi drivers.
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