Fired pottery awaiting the glaze
Oh what fun. Today I went back to
Cahaba Clayworks in Leeds. This is where
Tena Payne 's Earthborn pottery is created. It's always fun to roam around the studio and take pictures. I'm now a mini collector, but I want MORE! And did I mention that I'm seriously thinking about taking pottery classes there as well? Photos of me throwing pots promise to be something to behold!
After the glaze
Ok...I have to admit...as I began scrolling down and the unglazed bowls were peaking above the bottom of the screen...I thought Ooooooh...chocolate!!!
I'm a bit of a recovering chocoholic...trying to keep my blood sugar down....darn this later middle aged business...
Both photos are really nicely done...I love the texture and lighting in both V!!!
How fabulous to see it before and after. I love the glaze. Beautifully shot - as always!
de belles couleurs....superbes
So, V, does the title "Waiting to Shine" refer to the green-ware in the first photo, or is it about you taking pottery lessons?
Yeah,I thought it was chocolate, too....
I used to be a major pottery collector, but thankfully that phase passed...just got so tired of hauling back from wherever I was. Downsize, downsize! But I like your pottery PHOTOS!
Those are a piece of art~ and useful. :-)
Oh Chuck,
I can only imagine what my pots will look like. The word WONKY comes to mind!HA
You may have seen Tena's pottery around town!
Bibi and Chieftess,
Chocolate on the brain??HA
Jilly and Olivier,
Oh good grief,
I see I managed to post not one but two today! I've removed the other one to save for tomorrow!!! If I weren't in such dire straits for photos I'd have left it up but .......the coffers are empty!
Pretty glaze. I have a terrible time with the reds.
I hung up my pottery shoes last month after I went to class and couldn't think of one goll durned thing to make.
I took a pottery class once ... lets just say they dont call me a Princess for nothing.
Fab pix!
I even like those before the glaze! And the light is fantastic!
What a great idea, pottery classes!
Lovely pieces, I like that glaze!
Wow, what a difference. Hey, we have a pottery group here at Stone Creek and they do some nice work...why don't you come on down and check it out the next time you get snow?
Pottery lessons, is it? You look like a woman in need of a hobby, something to occupy you in retirement. But wait - you already have one! Is this plan madness?
Maybe I just understand photographs better than pots. Pots never got a big rise out of me.
Oh, and by the way, White Castle and Krystal are very similar. I've sampled the latter in Nashville.
OH Bob,
My pots will thrill your soul! Or maybe they will make you fall on the floor laughing. I do have a lot on my plate, but maybe there's room for a pot on my plate! :)
«Louis» thought you took pottery classes when you were in Club Fed with Martha Stewart!
uh, did Bob Crowe say pot never got a big rise out him?
"Maytag" (The Agitator) la Vache strikes again!
Oh Louis, I taught Martha a thing or two! And I"m not touching that other comment. Oh lordy! HA
Throwing your pots beats tossing your cookies any day. Go for it, V. That second shot is particularly gorgeous.
i love these photos. like always ... your photography demonstrates a very keen eye to things / textures often missed. great catch.
nikonsniper steve
The mad potter of Birmingham (they're actually is a fellow called the mad potter of Beloxi. If you had one of his pieces you'd be able to buy that summer home over by the lake you've had your eyes on.
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