This star ( or a similar one) has hung in this very spot at the top of the hill in the suburb of Homewood since I was a girl. For me it signals the Christmas season. I hope they didn't crank it up there before Thanksgiving this year. I forgot to check. Regardless, it's always nice when our traditional holiday memories don't get replaced with newer, glitzier ones don't you think? Thanks Homewood, for preserving a special memory.
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The Tune du Jour is "Silent Night" by Michael Dulin
(from his album "Christmas At Our House")
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Nice night shot and black and white suits it perfectly.
This looks like a big star! It's allawys nice when charismatic items can refresh our memories instead of being replaced by (most of the times) tasteless new ones.
Very nice shot!!
I had fun looking through your photos of Paris!
Ah, Homewood.
Thanks for the great pictures.
My office for 10 years was above Sike's Children's Shoes and my corner office overlooked this star.
It brings back so many good memories.
As a mono it becomes a timeless shot form any era( if you ignore the cars) which is in keeping with your nostalgic text.
The cards have arrived - see my blog.
Beautiful...we had a star where I grew up, that was on top of the hill by my grandpa and grandma's house. They would light it the day after Thanksgiving, or maybe Thanksgiving night. I'll have to call my mom and see if they still do it.
Here in Roanoke, they have a big star on Mill Mountain that is lit all year. It was first used a long time back to start the Christmas shopping season but everyone liked it so it stayed and gave Roanoke the name "The Star City of the South" and I read somewhere that for Christmas they change the light color. I'll have to venture into Roanoke to see what it looks like now :)
Love the home image at the top. So Christmas. I'm trying to figure out one for my blog before the holidays are over. Not much time left LOL
It must be thrilling for the kiddies to see the big bright star. Lovely photo & the effect is even better when enlarged.
What a great shot, V. I'm glad they haven't replaced that lovely star, too. It's really simple and hopeful.
All your missing from that shot is snow. Fantastic pic, I also love your header pic as well.
Regina In Pictures
This is such a nice reminder that Christmas is not a commercial venture. In B&W no less!
Snapper you are so rubbing off on me. See I can even do a Christmas shot in BW and not blink twice.
Thanks everyone. Glad you like my hometown scene.
Foodie, Sikes is a Homewood institution from my youth as well. Reminds me I could maybe snap some good shots in some of those old stores! Thanks for the idea.
I like the atmosphere of Christmas you captured in this photo, V. Would love to see it color.
That is so simple, it's lovely. As you say its nice that they haven't got rid and replaced it with something garish.
We have a Christmas star on Fifth Avenue too. Thanks for reminding me to take a photo of that.
I haven't been going out and taking photos lately because of work. Hopefully, when things quiet down a little at the end of the week, I will try to go out and do more stuff.
I really like this photo, the cars look subdued enough so I can easily see them as late model cars. It has a really nostalgic feel to it. Really nice.
Thanksgiving is a civil holiday that has nothing to do with Christmas.
The stores start marketing in Oct; why should we wait until the arbitrary mark of Thanksgiving to enjoy the beauty of that star..
I love the Christmas lights!!
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